Thursday, September 22, 2005


Dear Journal,

I'm looking forward to the trip end of this month. I will be needing it to clear my mind and to hopefully come back refreshed and with a renewed perspective on life. A colleague of mine said some things which were very true, and I'm really ashamed. I need to be more proactive. I need to be more effective. I'm going through much stress at work. Am also wondering whether I should switch jobs. But I'm so tired. [insert some Shakespeare-an 2B/, that only confuses things] I need to embrace Nike's tagline. Yea, that's it, embrace. As long as I remind myself everyday, it should come naturally. Sure thing.

I've been reading this self-help book by Stephen Covey on being effective. Among others, it persuades us to not let our environment and the weaknesses of others influence us. We choose our responses. We don't say "if only"...

It really saddens me that I know the theories of being effective but I can't seem to have enough courage to put it into practice. Even if I realize my weaknesses, I know what I can do to rectify it, but I just don't. I feel defective.

All this talk brings me back to my formerly favourite quote, "I was born intelligent, but education ruined me"... Education has contributed to my passivity. And my lame attitude. And the fact that I'm saying this makes me lame, and affirms my point. So this is it. To put whatever knowledge I've learnt, all those training in high school and college -- all those years preparing the way for work, and turn it into skills. Will I finally be able to say, education wasn't wasted?

If only.

It probably isn't fair to blame it on education. It's my environment. So much for reading a book which stresses on anything but that.


Today's reading (from Our Daily Bread) Job 23:8-17
Of which scripture reads, "He knows the way that I take; when He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold." -Job 23:10

And the footnote reads, "A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without adversity."

It is indeed near, to this chapter in life where I am, interestingly enough.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...'s like you don't like comments ; )ie 'today is christmas'
Anyways...I'll make it just a day to go, that's usually a nice feeling though, haha...

You're right che, what doesn't kill us makes us stronger...abit of a strong statement but I think it just says that nothing can shake our beings(with God as our source of strength!) You'll make a fine jewel indeed...if you weren't one already to me : )