Tuesday, February 07, 2006

A Walk Down Memory Lane

Today was a memorable day. I went for a statutory audit, i.e audit of a Company's statutory records (a subset of audit), where checking is done on its filing process; in short, whether its Company Secretary is doing an accurate job inline with the Company's Act.

Actually, the real reason I was thrilled (obviously) is because the location of the Company Secretary's office is at Jalan Ipoh, where my old primary school is located.

Gosh, I've not been there for too many years, the most recent one only existed in my dream.

It was a rather slum-ish place, but I was really thrilled. Not to mention, I think that part of the suburb is abit too sunny and hot. Didn't really get a good look at my school-just drove past it along moving traffic.

Took a break (for lunch, at about 4pm, hehe) while the Company Secretary is sorting out some stuff for me. Yea, auditors have no recollection of time... There were no places to eat (like KFC).. only place was a rundown mamak stall. Beggars can't be choosers; only mechanic shops were in sight.. and that is no good ain't it.

Funny though, why a place is just filled with mechanic shops.. endless.. people sure like competition huh. Like what Meg Ryan would have quoted in You've Got Mail; "We are the book district, if they don't have it-we do".. only that this is the mechanics district. heh.

So there I was; had a nasi goreng and teh limau ais.. think there were couple of stuff floating in the water, but who cares.. haha. Just drink la.

Occasionally, I saw a couple of school kids, and I noticed one was from my primary school.. I still recognised the badge.. And some cats wondering around.. happy, I was. Not seen one for so long, somehow or rather I'm always surrounded by cats wherever I go in the past but not now.. why la.. so that's why when I do see one it's kinda surprising. sad.

What a cool day. Did I really went there today? So surreal that I'm not too sure it's real.. haha.

I really want to go back there soon. Or to Kepong.. endless memories.


chowkueyteow said...

Ah, primary school days...

One tends to hold on to memories of old...especially when old.


Irene Sim said...

hey, that's not very nice..

Ivy said...

All of a sudden the memories are just flooding back...Seems like so long ago but I'm glad to have tokens of that life with me still.

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