Craziest thing done for chess: Buy chess books (and read them!-There was one time I was reading books with only recordings of moves-if people were to see what I'm reading they'd probably think I'm mad because it's greek and not at all understandable), oh and yes, paying for some coaching and actually going for classes. Oh, and since we're on the subject of classes, I remember once reading a chess book (the ones that makes no sense) when waiting for piano classes..oh the irony..
So how is life in the fast lane? (okay, I don't play speed chess though) A typical "scenery" when going for tournament (or tourneys in short) ; Parents bringing picnic baskets (kidding..) but close I guess, minus the basket and picnic cloth, although I recall spotting a mat on some occasions..hehe.. Mind you, a huge number of chess whizzes in this country are juniors (kids, literally) and need to be fed..and they're already sharp enough to get themselves (okay, probably forced by parents) into such ruthless activities.. one would ask why?!? Go home and play PS2 lar kids! Think it also give us more dignified (and less stressful) way to win =P I remember that tourneys have always been really stressful, till I got no appetite for lunch =) So, what I do when stressed? Well, I've tried putting on Carpenters the whole time I'm playing..dunno what's the success rate, think many games went down the drain.. but I do know that everytime I listen to anything by them I'd remember chess..haha
I wouldn't recommend anyone to go to a chess tourney if you're not already a participant, simply because it usually suck the "happiness" out of anyone =) The air is usually very cold (everyone is wearing windbreakers-sometimes with the name of their states proudly emblazoned on it-well, I don't have one though..so sad), people are also very very cold..colder than the air, hehh.. Unfortunately, this is the name of the game, it is essentially a mind game and as someone once told me, "You MUST hate your opponent and enter into the game with a strong mentality to annhilate (of course, not so much hate lah)..whereas some have a much simpler (and unruthless) mentality; simply put it, "Just play the game." Well, of course, the latter would probably not result in a bloodshed..
Friends made from chess: not many lar, although I knew my best friend when I first started playing when I was just 10 years old..cheh..so that's a good thing =) Others..lost contact adi, till this day, never knew whether they were genuinely a friend or just playing politics, as usual.. Oh well, love them anyways..
Most importantly, I still play once in awhile because i genuinely believe it puts my mind on charge mode..can't leave it unattended for too long as it will rust easily..hence..heheh
Oh yeah, what's the deal with people walking around during their game anyways? Do you guys really gain inspiration from other people's game? Not in my case..back to Carpenters la =)