I've had my fair share of "Halloween"ness--started off with watching this show Hocus Pocus--it's comedy tho. In a nutshell, about this 3 youths bringing witches back from the dead, picture them trottling down our modern day roads, which they lovingly coined the "black river"...
The usual ending, the witches died of natural causes..hehe, more like exploded into smitherins as they've failed to suck the soul out of a virgin before dawn--i.e light breaks. Funny too, how the witches got conned as Max outwitted them to escape just in the nick of time, before his lil sista (then young Thora Birch) was left soul-less...using the light from the car to disillusion the witches to think it's daylight, which would burn them, i.e cease to exist. I know, load of crap, but that's what I like =P hehe
Hey, not to suggest that I'm a load of crap....
Then there's this time where my class was organising a Haunted House to raise funds. I remembered we were so poor (or rather, stingy) that we were selling ice-creams in order to fund this project in the first place. Raising funds to raise funds, hehe. eee...
Anyways that was a great experience, choice of location: our then Nazareth building--mostly classroom for Form Sixes and sometimes for co-curricular activities--perfect place since it's already garnered enough reputation for being "haunted".
We patched up the place, till it's pitch black inside (sources: newpapers) and we stacked up chairs, covered them with black garbage bags to create the maze. Then we brought in the props, I remembered that we wrapped this poor classmate with toilet paper all over, since she's the MuMMy... hehe.
Wished I've blogged about this earlier, my memory's failing me.
I was sorta the miscellaneous running around person--was holding this wet hands that Grace got from Toys 'R' Us. After having soaked it for one night, it's really eeky, and it's quite handy, as those poor people who came into the pitch black maze was so utterly shocked out of their wits when I slabbed the grouuse thing on their feet--yea, think I was laying low-lit. near a "live" mannequin. Poor thing, she was subjected to stares from the passing crowd, but I guess there's where I conveniently came in, to keep 'em moving! =)
(note no. 1: key to Haunted House success is also in keeping the turnaround quick, i.e measured by the rate you'd get the crowd out, hence, go ahead and scare them silly!)
Towards the end, the ghosts got really tired (as there were no shifts, once you're the scary inmate ghosts/lunatic doctor, that you'll be for the rest of the day). So, they were just sleeping at their respective locations, me included--think I was chatting...and funnily enough, that was scary to people too..figures
(so note no. 2: another key performance measure to note next time is, long-winded plans to scare people are not a necessity, probably can focus on pushing profits through other means by utilising ghosts to sell souvenirs in the House itself/picture posing session/nick their wallets). Of course last one is just a joke.
So...... after that, customarily, we sat down together (first to count $$) hehe. Then the next day we shared the events of the previous day..... Some said that there were non-existent characters as represented by some VI boys, like a pontianak holding a glowing crystal-ball which we didn't have. Some said eyes in the portraits moved and a fellow classmate felt something scratched her when the pile of desks fell on her (this was prior to the House opening).
We were told it's usual for spirits to be lurking around whenever the Nazareth was used as a Haunted House. They'd usually "come out and play" (note to bi: sure you freak one, hehe).
Anyways, enough for the day, blog another time.. Should hit the sack before I scare myself silly. Good night and Happy Halloween~