Sunday, September 17, 2006

A Boring Entry...

I don't usually remember much of my weekends... since it's so boring. And I shall not bore you with boring details.

No, the sad story does not continue with "therefore"....

I'll have you know that I made a decision.. ahem.. to go for a leaders' formation over the weekend. Which is rare for me to make since I despise anything intellectual. har. har..

I shall spare you the boring details of the talk. Oops.. No, it's anything but boring! Wordcount of the word boring: 6. Now you know why I don't blog much on my personal thoughts since I'm so boring...7. Who would thought one can use so many "borings" in 4 measly paragraphs.. 8!

I shall stop.

Anyway, Martin Jalleh is really, really funny!!! Cracked me up.. Do try to catch his workshop when he's in town...which is not often. lol. He reminds me of Walter Matthau (Dennis the Menace). You know..chicklets? Nevermind. I hear he works alot with youths.

What I take with me from this weekend? It's great to see everyone together (leaders of BEC, RCIA, Charismatic.. the many parish groups that we have in our beautiful church...and obviously a noob like me. Not forgetting Lifeteen and Lifeline.. the speaker kept getting it wrong.. Teenlife or is it Lifeteen? Then he said it begins with "Life". haha. Then he messes it up again. Yea.) Unity was never brought to light in such a manner, not that I've experienced, so that was great.


Now, here's a little brain-teaser (hardly, though)... find the odd one out:

Pretty easy yes? :)

No, not funny? Scroll down then... haih.


Well... it's just mildly funny since it's his (Martin Jalleh)'s leaders' formation and his name is on the nametag just like the rest of us...


p.s: I did not steal this, just mistook it deliberately. haha. Who said I did not learn anything over the weekend?

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