Friday, September 29, 2006

Rant #1

Dear people out there, be forewarned... if you are regular visitors (which I highly doubt), this is the first instalment of my long list of rants... however, I've been considerate enough to put every piece of rant in short, concise versions. Straight to the point. Lol. I think it might be therapeutic for me to put all my *#^&@ here. So, sit back and enjoy your stay here in rant land. hahaha.

First of all, I'd like to raise my dissatisfaction on how I have gained weight over the past few months, especially when sister was around. Yeah, we ate like mad. No? Well, it's just probably just me then.

Anyway, what is with people who can eat everything and yet, remain stick thin? I mean, just like them, I'd just like to get down all the food on my plate as well... of course, with the rare exceptional occassion that the (my) plate is filled up a second time, which obviously is in no way a fault of mine. Right?? And I don't eat junk food or sweets, etc... with the rare occassions of my favourite bak kut teh.. People don't want to eat, I will help finish. Is this how I'm punished for my nobel attempt?? Why??? Why????

Please ignore fineprint. I meant to scratch that. Or READ, whatever. But don't judge me.

Thank you.


Ivy said...

U're making me hungry...

Irene Sim said...

finish all the herbal soup adi? =)
now i'm making myself hungry... altho i still have this leftover lunch i haven finish, which will most probably become tomorrow's breakfast. who said i don't budget?