Saturday, April 29, 2006

Yesterday, I've attended first BEC mass of the "football" season as quoted by Fr. OC. Haha. Thought it was really hilarious that Fr. OC was giving a homily on compassion... after the gospel where Jesus fed 5,000 whilst at the corner of my eye, there were 3 kids gathered (seated) right in front of the home altar where Fr O.C was, trying to squash this bug. I think they should have succeeded in squashing its guts out.. eww.. I'm sure Fr. wasn't aware of this oximoron-ic situation.. Hilarious yeah, troubling too I guess.. hmm... lol.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Saturday, April 22, 2006

From a Walk to Remember

Love is always patient and kind, it is never jealous
Love is never boastful or conceited
It is never rude nor selfish
It does not take offense, it is not resentful
Love takes no pleasure in other peoples sins but delights in the truth
It is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope and to endure whatever comes..
~1 Corinthians 13:4-7


What a refreshing take on life... and movie.

Monday, April 17, 2006

It's Impossible (Somos Novios)

Somos novios
Pues los dos sentimos mutuo amor profundo
Y con eso ya ganamos lo mas grande de este mundo
Nos amamos, Nos Besamos, Como novios, Nos deseamos
Y hasta aveces, sin motivo, sin razon, nos enojamos

Somos novios
Mantenemos un cariño limpio y puro
Como todos, preocuramos el momento mas obscuro

Para hablarnos, Para Darnos el mas dulce de los besos
Recordarte que color son los cerezos
Sin hacer mas comentarios
Somos novios

Friday, April 14, 2006

Peer into my pensieve for the day...

3 thoughts occured in my twisted mind today (haha, finally, some brain activity!)

-Wonder what goes through another baby's mind when it sees another baby crying its lungs out. I mean..they just stare and think of what actually? Probably observing whether the parents give it the attention as anticipated by the baby race? If not, have to try another tactic? hehe.

-Wonder how is it like to be just the next car where a poor animal was just rolled over by the car just in front of you. And you will be the one to finish the poor thing off. haih..i wish i NEVER have to experience that..

-If you see a puddle of water and some helpless pedestrian was walking really fast to avoid a you-know-what consequence of some oblivious/purely idiotic drivers, what would you do? drive through that puddle and drench the poor thing? WRONG! &@*#! you see, I was that poor pedestrian. And ok, i wasn't drench...BUT that's besides the point.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

God Exalted Him--based on Philippians 2:5-11

He became a man
Christ became a man
And laid aside the glory He had known
To be a carpenter, a simple carpenter
A lowly servant, rejected by His own

But God exalted Him
God has uplifted Him
And has given Him a name above all names
That every knee should bow
In earth and in heav'n above
And every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord

He became a man
Christ became a man

Whose destiny was death upon a tree
Still He became a man
A gentle, loving man
A man of sorrow, acquainted with grief

But God exalted Him
God has uplifted Him
And has given Him a name above all names
That every knee should bow
In earth and heav'n above
And every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord


Loved this song!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

You're Still You

Through the darkness
I can see your light
And you will always shine
And I can feel you’re heart in mine
Your face I've memorized
I idolize just you
I look up to
Everything you are
In my eyes you do no wrong
I’ve loved you for so long
And after all is said and done
You’re still you
After all
You’re still you

You walked past me

I can feel your pain
Time changes everything
One truth always stays the same
You’re still you
After all
You’re still you

I look up to
Everything you are
In my eyes you do no wrong
And I believe in you
Although you never asked me to
I will remember you
And what life put you through
And in this cruel and lonely world
I’ve found one love
You’re still you
After all
You’re still you


In memory of mum.