Friday, April 14, 2006

Peer into my pensieve for the day...

3 thoughts occured in my twisted mind today (haha, finally, some brain activity!)

-Wonder what goes through another baby's mind when it sees another baby crying its lungs out. I mean..they just stare and think of what actually? Probably observing whether the parents give it the attention as anticipated by the baby race? If not, have to try another tactic? hehe.

-Wonder how is it like to be just the next car where a poor animal was just rolled over by the car just in front of you. And you will be the one to finish the poor thing off. haih..i wish i NEVER have to experience that..

-If you see a puddle of water and some helpless pedestrian was walking really fast to avoid a you-know-what consequence of some oblivious/purely idiotic drivers, what would you do? drive through that puddle and drench the poor thing? WRONG! &@*#! you see, I was that poor pedestrian. And ok, i wasn't drench...BUT that's besides the point.