One thing that often amazes me about this city is how everyone looks like "ang mo's" despite how diverse they look. It's not in their hair or eye colour. You just recognise them as non-Asians. Like in their more protruding eyebrow, deeper eye sockets and sharper nose structure.
It was a really windy day yesterday. About 9-10 degrees apparently. Must have layered myself with almost four layers including a shawl. Was walking along Princes Street when I saw a poor, obviously shivering dog out in the cold, holding a hat out with its teeth, begging for change, right in front of its owner, who was playing a guitar and harmonica. I felt very sad indeed. =(
After braving abit of the chilly summer wind, we finally managed to catch a bus to Tesco, which was fairly far out from the city. Felt good to be on a bus ride that lasted more than 5 minutes, like the recent one we took to Penicuik where I saw a sign which read "Danger Troops Crossing" which I felt regretful for loudly pronouncing it as "hanger" with a "d" instead of its obviously correct pronunciation of "ranger" with a "d". I didn't catch what it meant then. Ivy's friend, Mei Chan, was laughing away so hilariously that I didn't know at first what has come to her. Thought she was easily amused like many of Ivy's friends who are quite so, each time I open my mouth. It's only on the way back when I again saw the sign that I realised my blurness, oh gosh, which resulted in another uproar from MC (and myself). If there were
more people on board the second deck of the bus, they'd probably gonna think these are
Loony Asians high on, I dunno,
There were not many days where the sun blazed in its full summer spendour despite having been here for close to a month. According to sister, it was even exactly the wintery weather they normally experience, and this was just when we decided to buy a day (bus) ticket. This has resulted in the day ticket not quite utilised as to how I'd imagined we joy-riding in, since we felt (more like I) lethargic from the chilly and often
drowsy-on-the-eyes weather.
trip to Tesco has resulted in me having to lug two more books back to KL; Life of Pi and Pride and Prejudice, besides another book I bought on
How to raise a happy and healthy cat, the latter
obviously was due to it being very worth-buying. Well, at least I get to feast my eyes on all the incredibly cute and colorful pictures of cats in the book even if my wish to own a
real one may never be realised, or rather not as soon as NOW.
I'm currently working on Pride and Prejudice and I WILL finish it.
People here are very nice indeed, what with occassionally providing me with home-cooked meals, top notched baked cakes and cookies while watching runs of Count of Monte Cristo in French, thank goodness for English subtitles. That's 8 hours of that Count, by the way. But nothing can top watching Pride and Prejudice, with the dashingly handsome Mr Darcy (Matthew MacFadyen) which I proudly pronounce the most handsome of them all!
Ivy is also constantly trying to convert me to being a
House fan, to no avail. Not today, though. is bliss indeed, with my three meals a day. Good work at making me slightly rounder, dear sister! Please remind me to return the favour. =P
I shall leave with this "National Geographic Quality" picture taken proudly by yours truly...presenting the ducks and swans of Salisbury Crag! Woohoo.... =P