Ah, things ain't what they used to be, no, no.
Where did all the blue skies go?
Poison is the wind that blows from the north and south and east.
(i.e hazy it is, now)
Mercy, mercy me,
Ah, things ain't what they used to be, no, no.
Oil wasted on the ocean and upon
our seas fish full of mercury,
(so there's where all the oil went, hence, the ever so frequent hike in fuel prices)
Oh, mercy, mercy me.
Ah, things ain't what they used to be, no, no, no.
Radiation underground and in the sky;
animals and birds who live near by are dying
Oh, mercy, mercy me.
Ah, things ain't what they used to be.
What about this over crowded land?
How much more abuse from man can she stand?
"Mercy Mercy Me" snipet on Amazon.com
Haze is back again, now due to burning on peat land. Just gets better and better. Apparently this form of burning is harder to extinguish. Firemen are risking their lives, hoping against hope they wouldn't step onto innocent looking mines on the now soften grounds in the forest.
I seem to be affected by the air since I keep getting out of breath when I'm outside. Maybe it's psychological, i.e I know that the air is unhealthy therefore my mind tells my body to react accordingly, sheesh, how twisted. But then again, I probably shouldn't give too much credit to my mind since I've been decaffeinated for 2 days now and I'm still up and about (read : haven't fall asleep at work yet). If I've been psychological and think that I need coffee to survive, I've probably called in sick/dead. Hehh, the latter when I've used up my annual leave?! Which is coincidentally true, 'tis sad. Calling in dead, what a thought...hmm...O well, I guess I'm still up due to the residual caffein that I've accumulated in the past month, thanks to my daily dosage =P Using up fast, better get more supplies, and quick.
Psychologically unfit, I am =P
Anyways, here are some ideas for us to do our part for our environment :
-Recycle, don't think those recycling bins propaganda-ed is taking that much effect, least for me that is, since they usually get conveniently converted into a trash can. The ads actually confuse me and since the colour so not match with the kind of trash. Don't think I've heard of those ads anymore though, but then again, I don't on the radio and tv =P Well, we can collect all those stuff and take it down to Giant; exchange them for some shopping vouchers, hence giving you more incentive to do so eh? (but then again, we check into Giant, grab some junk, essentially anyways. Sheesh, it's a vicious cycle) =P Hey when in doubt, bring it down to Giant, you'll also get a learning experience of knowing trash from not =P hmm...I'm not the new Giant promoter, though.
-Point number 2, try to be an efficient user i.e use only what is needed, eat only what's needed. Not that difficult to do rite, since we can save money and look great =) This would minimize the total amount of rubbish we produce and also free up land for its location and also energy needed to handle them.
-And for those who work in the office, i.e me, print only the necessary and don't throw those unwanted papers away. The shredding machine is not too far away and even if it is, it's time to work those tyres anyway. Hm...can't speak much for myself since my drawer is slowly (probably not that slow also) building its own fort. Need to start bringing them back home in shifts, pronto. Why? Plan to use them up first before I actually shred them, dunno how la, since my sis is on long, extended un-utilizing of stationeries and what not. Probably can use to wrap stuff? I'm up for suggestions...I know, TeRiBBLe... Please, please recycle paper, we need to save our trees, it takes years to grow!
[Some estimates suggest that recycling half the paper currently used in the world would free four million hectares of forest from paper production] ~recyclingpoint.com
-One last practical point, I used to have this habit of keeping things because of pendidikan seni in school, like toothpaste boxes, wrappers etc. Think I still keep this in mind everytime I throw things away, whether they can be used again in any way =) which explains why my room got so much junk! But it's good if we have this mentality, like don't throw away plastic bags simply because you can use them for storing, garbage etc. No need to go buy plastic bags to put your garbage mah...
As for doing our part for the environment, let me rebut a few of your points:
1. Recycling
They stopped putting the 'Recycle' song on the airwaves; why should I continue to recycle? Why should I continue to "repossess my waste"? Why should I continue to "show them I've got taste"? That was my inspiration, and now it's...it's...gone. Besides, the garbage collectors normally do it for you to earn an extra buck, so if you just chuck the recyclable stuff in the bin, you get to help people earn extra income AND save the environment.
2. Eating only what is needed
I normally eat more than I should, yet I still look great. So efficiency in this case is not the argument. Besides, if you really want to eat only what is needed, you'd be only eating pills (ie garlic, iron, cod liver oil...now
THAT's minimising rubbish)...do you REALLY WANT TO?
3. Not throwing away papers
As you say, you've got a fort in your drawer (I wanted to type drawers, but thought against it as it gives a totally different meaning, if you get what I mean). By storing up those papers and not using them, you're actually defeating the purpose of the tree(s)'s destruction - the production of useful paper. Which leads to an addiction of storing more paper. Which then deprives those people at the recycling factories of income.
Man, I rule.
Rebutals of my rebuts will be rebutted.
(Excuse me, I'm being lame)
After thinking long and hard (not)...
1. Recycling
That mentality is just plain wrong! Don't you think everyone needs to shoulder their own responsibility when it comes to their own waste? I mean, how can you trust the garbage collectors to go through all your stuff and sieve out stuff for recycling? More often than not, all your trash will BEcome trash, don't you think?
2. Eating only what is needed, as in, don't eat excessively...and since you eat more than you should, you'd be storing blubber which could eventually turn you into that Sumo guy picture in your friendster, and probably you don't need to wait 11 years, even :) Besides, what you're suggesting us to take are only supplements la, it can never be taken as standalone's; hence suggested by its name-supplements :)
3. I'm not addicted to storing up paper, I do want to use them up before I actually recycle them, hence, the poor tree's destruction won't be futile (although the best way is still to be as efficient and not use them at all)...
btw, you're quite long-winded aren't you? :)
Rebutals of rebutals: (as promised)
1. Recycling
I was joking.
2. Eating only what is needed
I was joking.
3. Not throwing away papers
I was joking.
Man, I rule.
Long-winded-ness is part of my charm - the ladies love it.
oic..darn it. got conned again.
well well..haze is getting bad to worst.. i agree that the firemans are risking their life in indonesia for us...MMmm...a numbers of things we can do is to recycle...(brillient idea) well there are still some people out there dont recycle..take a breathe of the air outside, i also will feel terrible...n some more PMR trials ( giving me Breathing Difficulties ) just have to bear withit the nex few weeks or something...well relax n dont' drink to much coffeee...ekkekeke...bad for health! akkaak
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