Friday, September 29, 2006
Rant #1
First of all, I'd like to raise my dissatisfaction on how I have gained weight over the past few months, especially when sister was around. Yeah, we ate like mad. No? Well, it's just probably just me then.
Anyway, what is with people who can eat everything and yet, remain stick thin? I mean, just like them, I'd just like to get down all the food on my plate as well... of course, with the rare exceptional occassion that the (my) plate is filled up a second time, which obviously is in no way a fault of mine. Right?? And I don't eat junk food or sweets, etc... with the rare occassions of my favourite bak kut teh.. People don't want to eat, I will help finish. Is this how I'm punished for my nobel attempt?? Why??? Why????
Please ignore fineprint. I meant to scratch that. Or READ, whatever. But don't judge me.
Thank you.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
3-in-1 all started when I had a really, really bad dream of getting lost. I hate getting lost!!! I was on this highway that I've never been before, and there's a series of protruding contraptions from alongside a huge building pushing towards the road; had to steer clear of those stuff when they protrude haphazardly. That was really scary. And I think it's like a highway flyover, so if I steer too far, I could fall off!! Anyway while I was driving on this road which knows no end, I think I barely spotted a sign that said Sg. Petani, and there were no other signboards to exit. Like, huh?!? [when I think about it, I think Sg. Petani is because I recently met up with a cousin of mine who is currently studying in Sintok (both in Kedah)] So, when I finally arrived at this somewhat town area where there's humans, I stopped my car and was somehow running through some thorny bush!! Wahhhhhhh. Painful man. I remembered pulling all those thorns which were caught in my leg. Then my next step, since I was clearly lost, was to flag down a taxi. Asked him to lead me back to SJ, me tailing behind his car. I said I would pay him, which I did. Unfortunately, the trailing cost me RM150.
Oh yeah, I even dreamt there was this procession of the dead, where there were multitudes of coffins on huge lorries. And it was open casket!!!! I told myself not to peek, but I did. I can't help it. So that was quite eerie.
I woke up thinking what was those series of event about????
Part II:
I stumbled on this post on the bluehyppo forum way after the finale was over...and found out that I was actually entitled to free tickets for the event!!!! argh... no wonder someone was trying to contact me on Friday night... why am I so damm blur?!?!
Posted by the moderator:
This is the final list for tickets to the Grand Finale on friday 1 pair each - please come to the orange tm net booth at PWTC on FRIDAY between 7 and 8 pm - doors open at 7.45pm, it's free seating so the earlier you come, the better. Look for me (marina), nim or sharmila.
1. Chriswo
2. samuel02
3. mrJudd
4. Maimum
5. Airan
6. Winleng
7. Leon
8. raptorclans
9. zongie
10. alexQ
11. claxxion
12. casillas
13. joosing
14. miloyalsupporter
15. danieltan0304
16. mikeboyz
17. mier
18. Kenny
19. yuan
20. yeyeantan
21. killer_jaws
22. kevinliew
23. bong bong
24. evonc
25. ms. Outawageous
26. waltzgirl !!!!!!!!!!!!
27. pooh
28. mxv
29. aiskrim
30. bright
31. nmy889
32. remytoo
33. starccs
34. 2old
35. nate
36. robincheah
37. ditdot
38. aryna
39. ongjhao
40. carmern
41. uptowndragon
42. ss arjuna
43. fann
44. morningdew
45. pope
46. allauclm
47. sookru
48. jonchew
49. justice
50. siew
Darn it!!!!!!!!
Faizal put up such a wow performance!!! Technically, I slept halfway through the show (at home).. haha. He sang a medley highlighting all the popular songs he did throughout the season. But it was too late.. Cause when he delivered his last performance (it was the last performance of the night), it was already commercials and then the results... so kinda little room for voting. Plus, there is something wrong with the voting system cause alot of people seem to be complaining about votes not going through. It probably needs some auditing.. lol.
But Suki won, as predicted...
THIS PART IS NOT A DREAM!!! I really missed out on those one in a lifetime tickets... :(
Part III:
Also, I found out that my pants that once used to be soooo loose is like, I could barely fit into it today!! Which means, I've gained weight!!! Darn it!!! Could life get any worse?!? This part isn't a dream either...
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Have I Told You Lately
Have I told you lately that I love you?
Have I told you there's no one above you?
Fill my heart with gladness
Take away my sadness
Ease my troubles, that's what you do
Oh the morning sun in all its glory
Greets the day with hope and comfort too
And you fill my life with laughter
You can make it better
Ease my troubles, that's what you do
There's a love that's divine
And it's yours and it's mine, like the sun
At the end of the day
We should give thanks and pray to the One
Have I told you lately that I love you?
Have I told you there's no one above you?
Fill my heart with gladness
Take away my sadness
Ease my troubles, that's what you do...
~Someone once asked me why I post lyrics. I feel although I did not come up with the words (like, duh), I find it's a perfect expression of what I feel at one time or another. There's a part of me in there, heh. And hence it being posted on this day, 19 September 2006, is an original piece by me :) Man, I'm twisted. This song, I dedicate to all those who reads this. I just love this song. How I wish I can sing it out loud!!! Or just picture how Van Morrison sang it :)
Have a good week people :)
Sunday, September 17, 2006
A Boring Entry...
No, the sad story does not continue with "therefore"....
I'll have you know that I made a decision.. ahem.. to go for a leaders' formation over the weekend. Which is rare for me to make since I despise anything intellectual. har. har..
I shall spare you the boring details of the talk. Oops.. No, it's anything but boring! Wordcount of the word boring: 6. Now you know why I don't blog much on my personal thoughts since I'm so boring...7. Who would thought one can use so many "borings" in 4 measly paragraphs.. 8!
I shall stop.
Anyway, Martin Jalleh is really, really funny!!! Cracked me up.. Do try to catch his workshop when he's in town...which is not often. lol. He reminds me of Walter Matthau (Dennis the Menace). You know..chicklets? Nevermind. I hear he works alot with youths.
What I take with me from this weekend? It's great to see everyone together (leaders of BEC, RCIA, Charismatic.. the many parish groups that we have in our beautiful church...and obviously a noob like me. Not forgetting Lifeteen and Lifeline.. the speaker kept getting it wrong.. Teenlife or is it Lifeteen? Then he said it begins with "Life". haha. Then he messes it up again. Yea.) Unity was never brought to light in such a manner, not that I've experienced, so that was great.
Now, here's a little brain-teaser (hardly, though)... find the odd one out:

Pretty easy yes? :)
No, not funny? Scroll down then... haih.
Well... it's just mildly funny since it's his (Martin Jalleh)'s leaders' formation and his name is on the nametag just like the rest of us...
p.s: I did not steal this, just mistook it deliberately. haha. Who said I did not learn anything over the weekend?
Sunday, September 10, 2006
It's You That Matters
to show me the reason for living
the world and all its splendour
gives me a sense of believing
that our love,
will shine thru,
and will keep us,
keep us forever,
and our love,
will pull us thru,
the bad times and keep us together.
i don't wanna fight this feeling no more
wanna love you and love you, its you i adore
cause its you that matters
just the sight of you throws my heart ashore
and the joy you bring opens up my door
cause its you that matters
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
I'm missing her terribly already
I'm saying goodbye to another you, and me again
Thank you
For being my one and only sister
Your brief time with me has been such a memorable and life-changing one
I feel sorry for all those who don't know you well
I hate goodbyes
Especially saying them to you again
You are wonderful
You are the dearest person to me
Safe journey bi.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
That's probably why I've been sucked into getting my daily dose of drama. Day or night, just flip to the channel and it never lets you down. One good smacking serving of drama coming right up, maybe 2 if you're lucky and I'm always lucky.
It has become a routine and I know what that inevitably says about this routine that I have. I've got a couple of shows which I catch daily and another once every week, just like popping pills except that those last seconds and these last an hour per pop and are intermittently peppered with commercials. Now, two shows back to back on the same channel with the same adverts can just about drive you to do two types of things. ONE is to press the mute button whenever the mind-numbing things come out and be numbed anyways watching to see when the show resumes and actually imagining the lines in the advert. TWO would be to step away from the TV like the cops would say it...and do something else but that would be violation of couch potato rule number one.
They're rivetting most of the time and a good number potray professionals. Professionals do seem to have interesting lives but I say it's pretty boring in real life so is where the word drama comes in. Perhaps it's a show about real life with all the interesting bits squeezed and meticulously woven into a fabric of extraordinary coincidence into a season or two. That sums up real people's lives quite neatly.
I am a contributor : )