Sunday, September 03, 2006


"In every life, there is drama" as Hallmark rightly says. Despite the word chalking up quite the reputation in my mind, I stand corrected. The TV-viewing public knows what it wants and boy do they know it.

That's probably why I've been sucked into getting my daily dose of drama. Day or night, just flip to the channel and it never lets you down. One good smacking serving of drama coming right up, maybe 2 if you're lucky and I'm always lucky.

It has become a routine and I know what that inevitably says about this routine that I have. I've got a couple of shows which I catch daily and another once every week, just like popping pills except that those last seconds and these last an hour per pop and are intermittently peppered with commercials. Now, two shows back to back on the same channel with the same adverts can just about drive you to do two types of things. ONE is to press the mute button whenever the mind-numbing things come out and be numbed anyways watching to see when the show resumes and actually imagining the lines in the advert. TWO would be to step away from the TV like the cops would say it...and do something else but that would be violation of couch potato rule number one.

They're rivetting most of the time and a good number potray professionals. Professionals do seem to have interesting lives but I say it's pretty boring in real life so is where the word drama comes in. Perhaps it's a show about real life with all the interesting bits squeezed and meticulously woven into a fabric of extraordinary coincidence into a season or two. That sums up real people's lives quite neatly.

I am a contributor : )

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