Monday, October 16, 2006

Not Rant #2

Some overdued posts... what the heck.. it's MY blog, and I'll do whatever I want... HAHAHAH. Man, I'm so drunk.

Anyway, I miss Singapore abit. I like how efficient things are there. I like the really fast MRT escalators that whoosh people to whereever they want to go. lol... I like the way things are hardly in bottleneck situations (well, at least while I was there). And for the first time ever, there are actually people who come out of their way to feed those poor forsakened cats in the city.

Sis and I were joking about how people in Singapore either wear earphones, bluetooth or hearing aids. Everyone has places to go and things to do. lol...

Singapore aside, I spotted this sticker at the back of a car; exactly what does "If you don't believe in God, you better be right!" means? At first it was pretty darn hard to tell which direction that person was heading, but I quickly spotted another tiny sticker on its right that says "Jesus loves"... yeah, still...

Yesterday, I had dinner at Yuen's buffet steamboat. And the oddest thing... people are STILL fighting over the chicken wings there! I was like... crazy people!! Those who managed to actually get IN there.. (which was pretty impossible especially if you don't have a fork ready or something) was hording ALL the chicken they can get their hands on! Wow... are those stuff that good? Well anyway, I managed to pick out 4 after the second batch. It was pretty intense.. lol. Just wanted to feel kiasu abit. Haha.


Ivy said...

Wah...I'd definitely give a dig for the siu kai back in Kepong.

Irene Sim said...

That one no need to dig la.. hehehe

Kepong.. those were the days

We can eat and eat and eat.. and there's the dentist too. How convenient.. lol

I left my heart.. in taman kepong.
