Thursday, April 10, 2008

A revelation nonetheless?

I have recently came to light about what the writers meant in the Emily Rose movie (end scene: she met Mother Mary in the fields) about the reason that she didn't want to go with her (i.e Mother Mary) at that very moment, hence choosing to go back to her inhospitable, dire-state body. It has somewhat been a puzzler to me what they meant by "Through you, others may come to know...and that demons exist." It was so that she could write that letter that Fr Moore read out in his personal testament. Which is such a simple reason. Yeah, laugh-out-loud. Now tho, I'm wondering how could she even hold a pen to write with her then horribly scratched up fingernails. It would have been excruciating.

Such a revelation to me tho when I watched the movie again with Ivy. Righto, blur me.

Writing this from a jet-lagging effect if you've noticed the insane hour when this piece was conceived. I've originally woken up at 3.


Ivy said...

You know...I've always thought of myself as quite the inspiration. No need to thank me now.

Irene Sim said...

I think I get revelations when there is someone blurer sitting beside me.


Irene Sim said...

I'm sure you won't be thanking me for that..hehe