Sunday, April 08, 2007

I strolled upon someone's blog and found this. I wonder what I'll get if I submit this letter to my boss, heh.

Today is Easter, the most important day in our Christian calendar. I am unfortunately one of those people who worships Christmas more. Alas, I've succumbed to commersialisation as Fr OC would concur. I have now become this person who just live to work..and for the little time I have to spare I would be sleeping. Christmas has come and gone, and so has Easter. I wonder how many more Christmas/Easter I'll have to see swing by me without me getting onto the bandwagon. I've not done anything this lent to renew and strenghten my currently brittle faith. I can only envy from afar people who has fasted through lent and prayed hard, and can say to themselves, hey, it has been a trying lent, but thank God Easter is here.. The bible is just sitting on the table next to my laptop, and I can now see just a thin layer of dust collecting on the surface, from the corner of my eye. people know why I "shouldn't" blog, you get anything but chirpiness here. Lol.

Anyway, just to digress from my somewhat pathetic-ness, I'll just continue with more pathetic-ness, lol. Let me just give you some history on the theme to Profound Logic. I originally derived {Profound Logic} after considering that the theme to this blog would be a cross between God and intelligence-something I want to identify myself at that time, which was someone who craves to deepen one's relationship with God and be logic-ly sound. That would explain "profound" (besides that someone once commented that I'm profound, which I totally am =P), "logic"-chess related and probably the rubiks cube. Even the two people holding laptops, which I initially thought was a good idea since well, initially this blog started with the idea where 2 persons would be blogging, which has now become, well, how shall I put it, one person. Hence, back to profound. heh.

For all those who can say that Easter has been good, you know there's at least one person who'd envy you, heh.

Happy Easter. God loved the world so much that He gave His only son.

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