Somewhere over the rainbow- way
up high
in the land
that I heard of once
Once in a lullaby
Somewhere over the rainbow- skies
are blue
and the dreams
that you dare to dream
really do come true
Someday I’ll wish upon a star
and wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where troubles melt like lemon drops
away above the chimney tops
that’s where you’ll find me
Someday I’ll wish upon a star
and wake up
where the clouds are far behind me
Where troubles melt like lemon drops
away above the chimney tops
that’s where you’ll find me
Somewhere over the rainbow
skies are blue
and the dreams...that you dare to dream
really do come true
If happy little bluebirds fly
above the rainbow, why
Oh, why can’t I?
~sung by Eva Cassidy
I lurve this version best. This # is more suited for female vocalists. Heeh.
Friday, December 30, 2005
Thursday, December 29, 2005
A Little Reminder
Today i went to Arrupe Chapel. I've never been there on an afternoon. It was a good thing i went. It was a lovely, sunny day too. It was mostly peaceful, well, aside from the drum pounding from a neighbouring school. Heh, I sound like a that how you spell that? Oh well.
Anyways, it is a nice little nook, with a little swirling fan (which usually is not put on that mode) and windows overseeing, well greeneries and nothing else. Probably just the tar road. There's a large silhouetted figure of Jesus in the middle of the chapel against a wall studded with pebbled bricks. And there was Jesus next to His silhouette.
I said a prayer, which I think was hardly a well-structured one, although it was the best I could concoct at that time. I had a feeling that my prayers are so "luan" and boring that I think God sometimes would fall asleep hearing it.
Anyways, after closing the prayer, I kinda noticed that the tabernacle was suddenly lit (I seriously thought it wasn't when I came in). So was kinda wondering who would have lit it. Heh. I didn't think about it too much tho, but had a slight urge to go out for a breath of fresh air (like for a smoke...right), drink some water and find an open washroom. So I went on out with my little water bottle and saw my car lights was on. Woh...I thought. No wonder the alarm kept going off everytime I opened the car door. Blur me.
What a coincidence with lights today, both in the tabernacle and my car's. God was so kind today...Thanks God! I'd probably have to call for a battery replacement if not... =( Today, I learnt that I want to see myself depend more on God. People would hurt us and let us down and I pray that He would give me the strength to let go of some things that I'm struggling to and to move on.
Anyways, it is a nice little nook, with a little swirling fan (which usually is not put on that mode) and windows overseeing, well greeneries and nothing else. Probably just the tar road. There's a large silhouetted figure of Jesus in the middle of the chapel against a wall studded with pebbled bricks. And there was Jesus next to His silhouette.
I said a prayer, which I think was hardly a well-structured one, although it was the best I could concoct at that time. I had a feeling that my prayers are so "luan" and boring that I think God sometimes would fall asleep hearing it.
Anyways, after closing the prayer, I kinda noticed that the tabernacle was suddenly lit (I seriously thought it wasn't when I came in). So was kinda wondering who would have lit it. Heh. I didn't think about it too much tho, but had a slight urge to go out for a breath of fresh air (like for a smoke...right), drink some water and find an open washroom. So I went on out with my little water bottle and saw my car lights was on. Woh...I thought. No wonder the alarm kept going off everytime I opened the car door. Blur me.
What a coincidence with lights today, both in the tabernacle and my car's. God was so kind today...Thanks God! I'd probably have to call for a battery replacement if not... =( Today, I learnt that I want to see myself depend more on God. People would hurt us and let us down and I pray that He would give me the strength to let go of some things that I'm struggling to and to move on.
Monday, December 26, 2005
Pretty Amusing...
8/12/2005~Anonymous Lawyer
There's an associate in the office who has the flu, or the avian flu, or something pretty terrible. She came in yesterday and spent the day coughing loudly enough you could hear her down the hall. I told her to try and be a little more considerate. She asked if she should go home, but I told her obviously that wasn't an option given her workload but she should definitely try and cut down on the coughing and that might even make it easier for her to get the work done.
So this morning she calls up and says she's really feeling terrible and she wanted to "work from home," but I know that scheme and I told her it's not going to work this time and she really needs to come in. And, again, she spends half the day coughing, even after I told her not to. She's coughing out of spite because I wouldn't let her stay home, obviously. And it's a game I just don't have time to play this week, with a deadline on a response brief and a bunch of other clients with time-sensitive work we need to get out by the end of the year.
So I see her sneaking out at about 7:30 tonight and I asked her how far she'd gotten on the piece of the research she's working on, and she said she hasn't finished yet, so I told her to turn back around and finish it before she left, and to please use the service elevator when she finally does leave because I don't need her germs infecting everyone else. We're going to have to clean her office and get rid of whatever she's got, because she hasn't been smart enough to keep herself healthy at crunch time. You need to take care of yourself so you don't get sick, because you're not really allowed to get sick here. Bonus time is coming. I'm hoping we can play around with her billable hour reports so she doesn't get a full bonus, as payback for this whole "sick" thing. I'm sick too. Sick of her.
I'm also sick of the generic post-it notes and their lack of sufficient stickiness. Generic everything is pretty terrible.
There's an associate in the office who has the flu, or the avian flu, or something pretty terrible. She came in yesterday and spent the day coughing loudly enough you could hear her down the hall. I told her to try and be a little more considerate. She asked if she should go home, but I told her obviously that wasn't an option given her workload but she should definitely try and cut down on the coughing and that might even make it easier for her to get the work done.
So this morning she calls up and says she's really feeling terrible and she wanted to "work from home," but I know that scheme and I told her it's not going to work this time and she really needs to come in. And, again, she spends half the day coughing, even after I told her not to. She's coughing out of spite because I wouldn't let her stay home, obviously. And it's a game I just don't have time to play this week, with a deadline on a response brief and a bunch of other clients with time-sensitive work we need to get out by the end of the year.
So I see her sneaking out at about 7:30 tonight and I asked her how far she'd gotten on the piece of the research she's working on, and she said she hasn't finished yet, so I told her to turn back around and finish it before she left, and to please use the service elevator when she finally does leave because I don't need her germs infecting everyone else. We're going to have to clean her office and get rid of whatever she's got, because she hasn't been smart enough to keep herself healthy at crunch time. You need to take care of yourself so you don't get sick, because you're not really allowed to get sick here. Bonus time is coming. I'm hoping we can play around with her billable hour reports so she doesn't get a full bonus, as payback for this whole "sick" thing. I'm sick too. Sick of her.
I'm also sick of the generic post-it notes and their lack of sufficient stickiness. Generic everything is pretty terrible.
La-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la, la-la
I missed the opportunity
to get you babe to stay with me.
Never thought, I'd regret the excuses that I've made
like a song, it will fade
If there's music in the night,
And it's really, really right,
It's the only thing I need.
it intoxicates your mind
All your troubles left behind
So come on and take my lead.
it's not just me who feels it
music plays a mind trick
watch me forget about missing you
so i put my feelings out to dry
love, one day again,
i'll have to try.
falling out, making up
it seems such a silly game
why do i never gain?
repeat chorus
na na na's
repeat chorus
~Mind Trick: Jamie Cullum
to get you babe to stay with me.
Never thought, I'd regret the excuses that I've made
like a song, it will fade
If there's music in the night,
And it's really, really right,
It's the only thing I need.
it intoxicates your mind
All your troubles left behind
So come on and take my lead.
it's not just me who feels it
music plays a mind trick
watch me forget about missing you
so i put my feelings out to dry
love, one day again,
i'll have to try.
falling out, making up
it seems such a silly game
why do i never gain?
repeat chorus
na na na's
repeat chorus
~Mind Trick: Jamie Cullum
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Happy Birthday Jesus!
Happy birthday Jesus
I'm so glad its Christmas
All the tinsel and lights
And the presents are nice
But the real gift is You.
Happy birthday Jesus
I'm so glad its Christmas
All the carols and bells
Make the holiday swell
And it's all about You
Happy birthday Jesus
Jesus I love You!
~Carol Cymbala
Remember what God has already done for you
(excerpt from: Purpose Driven Life pg. 112 and 113)
If God never did anything else for you, he would still deserve your continual praise for the rest of your life because of what Jesus did for you on the cross. God's Son died for you! This is the greatest reason for worship.
Unfortunately, we forget the cruel details of the agonizing sacrifice God made on our behalf. Familiarity breeds complacency. Even before his crucifixion, the Son of God was striped naked, beaten until almost unrecognizable, whipped, scorned and mocked, crowned with thorns and spit on contemptuously.
Abused and ridiculed by heartless men, he was treated worse than an animal.
Then, nearly unconscious from blood loss, he was forced to drag a cumbersome cross up a hill, was nailed to it, and was left to die the slow, excruciating torture of death by crucifixion. While his lifeblood drained out, hecklers stood by and shouted insults, making fun of his pain and challenging his claim to be God.
Next, as Jesus took all of mankind's sin and guilt on himself, God looked away from that ugly sight, and Jesus cried out in total desperation, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" Jesus could have saved himself-but then he could not have saved you.
Words cannot describe the darkness of that moment. Why did God allow and endure such ghastly, evil mistreatment? Why? So you could be spared from eternity in hell, and so you could share in his glory forever! The Bible says, "Christ was without sin, but for our sake God made him share our sin in order that in union with him we might share the righteousness of God."
Jesus gave up everything so you could have everything. He died so you could live forever. That alone is worthy of your continual thanks and praise. Never again should you wonder what you have to be thankful for.
I'm so glad its Christmas
All the tinsel and lights
And the presents are nice
But the real gift is You.
Happy birthday Jesus
I'm so glad its Christmas
All the carols and bells
Make the holiday swell
And it's all about You
Happy birthday Jesus
Jesus I love You!
~Carol Cymbala
Remember what God has already done for you
(excerpt from: Purpose Driven Life pg. 112 and 113)
If God never did anything else for you, he would still deserve your continual praise for the rest of your life because of what Jesus did for you on the cross. God's Son died for you! This is the greatest reason for worship.
Unfortunately, we forget the cruel details of the agonizing sacrifice God made on our behalf. Familiarity breeds complacency. Even before his crucifixion, the Son of God was striped naked, beaten until almost unrecognizable, whipped, scorned and mocked, crowned with thorns and spit on contemptuously.
Abused and ridiculed by heartless men, he was treated worse than an animal.
Then, nearly unconscious from blood loss, he was forced to drag a cumbersome cross up a hill, was nailed to it, and was left to die the slow, excruciating torture of death by crucifixion. While his lifeblood drained out, hecklers stood by and shouted insults, making fun of his pain and challenging his claim to be God.
Next, as Jesus took all of mankind's sin and guilt on himself, God looked away from that ugly sight, and Jesus cried out in total desperation, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" Jesus could have saved himself-but then he could not have saved you.
Words cannot describe the darkness of that moment. Why did God allow and endure such ghastly, evil mistreatment? Why? So you could be spared from eternity in hell, and so you could share in his glory forever! The Bible says, "Christ was without sin, but for our sake God made him share our sin in order that in union with him we might share the righteousness of God."
Jesus gave up everything so you could have everything. He died so you could live forever. That alone is worthy of your continual thanks and praise. Never again should you wonder what you have to be thankful for.
Sunday, December 18, 2005
That Tag Thingy...
7 Things You Plan To Do Before You Die
1. Spiritually prepared
2. Own a resort
3. See the world (well, probably not everything)
4. Be liked by everyone
5. Learn to play another instrument
6. Read alot of books
7. Find my passion in life (and I don't mean accountancy)
7 Things I Could Do
1. Read my bible
2. Go shopping
3. Buy gifts for friends and family
4. Buy a handphone and digicam
5. Read
6. Read
7. Read
7 Celebrity Crushes
1-7 N/A (gee, that was easy) hmm... Tom Cruise? Bon Jovi? but not now la.
7 Often Repeated Words (nothing intellectual here...)
1. haihh
2. ya...
3. crap
4. ....
5. .....
6. ......
7. ....... (heh, i don't talk much do i..)
7 Traits I Look For In The Opposite Sex
1. Charming
2. Caring
3. Non-control freak
4. Sporty
5. Proactive
6. Smart
7. More confident than me
8. LOVE God very much
-OK Paul happie...
1. Spiritually prepared
2. Own a resort
3. See the world (well, probably not everything)
4. Be liked by everyone
5. Learn to play another instrument
6. Read alot of books
7. Find my passion in life (and I don't mean accountancy)
7 Things I Could Do
1. Read my bible
2. Go shopping
3. Buy gifts for friends and family
4. Buy a handphone and digicam
5. Read
6. Read
7. Read
7 Celebrity Crushes
1-7 N/A (gee, that was easy) hmm... Tom Cruise? Bon Jovi? but not now la.
7 Often Repeated Words (nothing intellectual here...)
1. haihh
2. ya...
3. crap
4. ....
5. .....
6. ......
7. ....... (heh, i don't talk much do i..)
7 Traits I Look For In The Opposite Sex
1. Charming
2. Caring
3. Non-control freak
4. Sporty
5. Proactive
6. Smart
7. More confident than me
8. LOVE God very much
-OK Paul happie...
Thursday, December 15, 2005
20 cents
I found a Malaysian 20 cent coin the other day, cast in the year 2005. I happened to be rumaging about my bag for a stubborn something and this found its way into my hand. I must say when I realised what it was, a protracted sense of expectancy followed. Nothing save for the world went by for a few seconds : )
I was reminded of a film I once saw on the rather fascinating view of time-travel. A man convinced himself or rather the past convinced him that he had indeed went back in time and hence... went about doing exactly that. To cut a long story short it was a tragic earthly ending but otherwise vaguely not so. The beauty of the concept was that it was a continuous loop of events, there is no exact beginning or an end, the past determined the future and in the case of the show, the future determined the past...I'm not making much sense I'm sure.
And how does this relate to the 20 cent coin? Well, in the show, the catch of the whole going-back-in-time business was to be in a frame of mind of the past. So reminders, like dress style, hair style, basically everything that was of style in the present had to be gotten rid off and suitably replaced. As chance would have it (more like sadistic screen-writing determined to hack off too happy an ending) our leading man carried an 'in style' coin of sorts. He was promptly propelled back to the future and to a point of no return (the mind is a tetchy thing).
The summary of this whole fiasco of a post...? I wish this world were smaller or perhaps the scientists a lot smarter and I mean a LOT smarter for what I have in mind ; )
I was reminded of a film I once saw on the rather fascinating view of time-travel. A man convinced himself or rather the past convinced him that he had indeed went back in time and hence... went about doing exactly that. To cut a long story short it was a tragic earthly ending but otherwise vaguely not so. The beauty of the concept was that it was a continuous loop of events, there is no exact beginning or an end, the past determined the future and in the case of the show, the future determined the past...I'm not making much sense I'm sure.
And how does this relate to the 20 cent coin? Well, in the show, the catch of the whole going-back-in-time business was to be in a frame of mind of the past. So reminders, like dress style, hair style, basically everything that was of style in the present had to be gotten rid off and suitably replaced. As chance would have it (more like sadistic screen-writing determined to hack off too happy an ending) our leading man carried an 'in style' coin of sorts. He was promptly propelled back to the future and to a point of no return (the mind is a tetchy thing).
The summary of this whole fiasco of a post...? I wish this world were smaller or perhaps the scientists a lot smarter and I mean a LOT smarter for what I have in mind ; )
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Miles and laughter
It's coming close to 3 months now and this is by far the longest I have ever been away from Malaysia...from home too as a matter of fact, though I'm sure this record shall be broken spectacularly ; )
Right, so what's happened...
The first 2 months were a bit of a nightmare due to various difficulties with the one thing that can get most difficult of all, namely the business of accommodation, which coupled with internet woes in addition to a string of further little inconveniences...add up to a, how should I say...perplexed me.
And then...
I must say a blessing came that took away the little inconveniences, set things pretty much right and even added several conveniences. Faithful indeed is He.
Haven't really been around what with one thing and another (writing assertive but polite e-mails, at least I try ; )) but I did manage to catch a movie which cost something I've got to get used to : )
It was the very much anticipated sequel of the Potter series. Well...I must say I wasn't too thrilled, hehe...comparisons galore...
Anyways, although I thought the people who put the thing together didn't do too bad of a job considering the task they had of compressing, and might I say shredding the book up to make a watch of it. Movies simply never can live up to their print versions. I also noticed that most of the older cast looked ghastly on the screen, hmm...MUST be the widescreen effect (it was twice the length of the ones in Malaysia. And...Dumbledore exhibited rather shocking behaviour which still leaves me in gales of laughter whenever I think of it, ok it's much stiffled now : ) then's not just him.
That is all.
Right, so what's happened...
The first 2 months were a bit of a nightmare due to various difficulties with the one thing that can get most difficult of all, namely the business of accommodation, which coupled with internet woes in addition to a string of further little inconveniences...add up to a, how should I say...perplexed me.
And then...
I must say a blessing came that took away the little inconveniences, set things pretty much right and even added several conveniences. Faithful indeed is He.
Haven't really been around what with one thing and another (writing assertive but polite e-mails, at least I try ; )) but I did manage to catch a movie which cost something I've got to get used to : )
It was the very much anticipated sequel of the Potter series. Well...I must say I wasn't too thrilled, hehe...comparisons galore...
Anyways, although I thought the people who put the thing together didn't do too bad of a job considering the task they had of compressing, and might I say shredding the book up to make a watch of it. Movies simply never can live up to their print versions. I also noticed that most of the older cast looked ghastly on the screen, hmm...MUST be the widescreen effect (it was twice the length of the ones in Malaysia. And...Dumbledore exhibited rather shocking behaviour which still leaves me in gales of laughter whenever I think of it, ok it's much stiffled now : ) then's not just him.
That is all.
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
December the 6th
Really dumm.. thought streamyx was down but in actual fact the phone line was off its jack..figures. Darn it! De-caffeinterneted for so long. Felt like i need a smoke. (no, I despise smoke, cigarettes, smokers, places with smoke or any combination of that)
Speaking of which, think I'm drifting away from God more than ever, for some time now. Most of the time, I don't feel Him in my life anymore. When I think about it, it really saddens me. Feel so sucked into this secular world that I wake up to everyday. It dawned upon me when bi remembered my favourite series Desperate Housewives and I do not. And this happens every week. And its screening in Malaysia. Blowing off December working harder than ever since the peak season is suddenly upon us.
Not only December, even blowing off New Year's Eve since I'll be in KLCC counting spectacles and whatnot...Aih. Oh well, at least I'm not writing and sealing up my resolution that I won't remember where I've kept in the next year.
Digressing, something I haven't seen for a long, long time appeared on the tiles of my room a moment ago--a cockroach, a huge one, might I say. With its gleaming chocolate exterior. Urgh! Typing it already groousses me out. Was unable to move for like 10 seconds, and then was too afraid it would run away and come back to haunt me while I'm sleeping. So I ran to my dad's room..was so afraid he would totally scold me for asking him to whack the guts out of the fela..luckily, he didn't.
By the way, the aforesaid deceased left one of its remains behind--its hindlegs, I believe--which, I will probably dispose of it, in the next millenia?
Know of someone who actually takes pride in hunting down and whacking cockroaches--and, subsequently writing a post about her success story..hmm.. Totally not me. I do have a slight phobia for them and panicky when I see them. Bad memories. Urgh..
So it's December the 6th. Tick tock. Also running out of things to write.
Speaking of which, think I'm drifting away from God more than ever, for some time now. Most of the time, I don't feel Him in my life anymore. When I think about it, it really saddens me. Feel so sucked into this secular world that I wake up to everyday. It dawned upon me when bi remembered my favourite series Desperate Housewives and I do not. And this happens every week. And its screening in Malaysia. Blowing off December working harder than ever since the peak season is suddenly upon us.
Not only December, even blowing off New Year's Eve since I'll be in KLCC counting spectacles and whatnot...Aih. Oh well, at least I'm not writing and sealing up my resolution that I won't remember where I've kept in the next year.
Digressing, something I haven't seen for a long, long time appeared on the tiles of my room a moment ago--a cockroach, a huge one, might I say. With its gleaming chocolate exterior. Urgh! Typing it already groousses me out. Was unable to move for like 10 seconds, and then was too afraid it would run away and come back to haunt me while I'm sleeping. So I ran to my dad's room..was so afraid he would totally scold me for asking him to whack the guts out of the fela..luckily, he didn't.
By the way, the aforesaid deceased left one of its remains behind--its hindlegs, I believe--which, I will probably dispose of it, in the next millenia?
Know of someone who actually takes pride in hunting down and whacking cockroaches--and, subsequently writing a post about her success story..hmm.. Totally not me. I do have a slight phobia for them and panicky when I see them. Bad memories. Urgh..
So it's December the 6th. Tick tock. Also running out of things to write.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Leaning Tower of Pisa
-I love my pillow.
-I can't live without my handphone and air-cond.
-100plus is good for sorethroat.
-Still figuring out why it feels good being online-must be past addiction kickin in..
-I have 2 watches, in which I've been neglecting one of it.. poor thing it must be sad eh..
-Still have a handful of those rm1 coins to be exchanged before it's too late.
-Being sick sucks. Don't know why I need to be sick to affirm myself of it.
-Seriously doubt I'll live long.
-I have a hand I do not know of which offs the alarm clock in the morning.
-My room is cluttered with the weirdest things and a home to dust and its extended family.
-Think I'm sick in the head for coming up with this list. More to come.
-I'm envious easily.
-I'm not an ex-murderer. Why do I need to clarify that?!
-I hate talking to people I don't know.
-Something draws me to photography. But I don't even know how to buy a camera. A basic one.
-Skype makes one feel lonelier.
-Think I'll go back to sleep.
-No, Desperate Housewives will be on in 10min.
-Nothing here has anything to do with the title.
-I can't live without my handphone and air-cond.
-100plus is good for sorethroat.
-Still figuring out why it feels good being online-must be past addiction kickin in..
-I have 2 watches, in which I've been neglecting one of it.. poor thing it must be sad eh..
-Still have a handful of those rm1 coins to be exchanged before it's too late.
-Being sick sucks. Don't know why I need to be sick to affirm myself of it.
-Seriously doubt I'll live long.
-I have a hand I do not know of which offs the alarm clock in the morning.
-My room is cluttered with the weirdest things and a home to dust and its extended family.
-Think I'm sick in the head for coming up with this list. More to come.
-I'm envious easily.
-I'm not an ex-murderer. Why do I need to clarify that?!
-I hate talking to people I don't know.
-Something draws me to photography. But I don't even know how to buy a camera. A basic one.
-Skype makes one feel lonelier.
-Think I'll go back to sleep.
-No, Desperate Housewives will be on in 10min.
-Nothing here has anything to do with the title.
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Thoughts on...
Rosary-I remembered vividly telling my dad that praying the rosary is a really boring form of devotional. Actually I've yet to form an opinion on devotionals in general. My regime is doing daily readings...prayer, and that's about it. And ironically, I've suddenly received a booklet from Anne on-get this, "Why Pray the Rosary"... *x-files background music*
Prayer-Evelyn shared with me something Fr Aloysius's homily. (side note: he's one of the more well-built priest around according to her, her exact words-s.e.x.y. I also know someone who really like this word, and thinks he is one =) Among others, Father said that prayer can be compared to dating.
"Dating is pointless-and so is prayer, as in, petitions might not be granted, but people date because they'd like to be in each other's presence and company-the same with prayer, we'd like to be in our God's presence and that is why we pray."
Just thought of something, opposite of Amen-Naymen? heeh
Desperate Housewives-I've missed episodes one too many. But last weeks' was rather twisted and a little scary. The part where Bree's son would go to that extent to get back at his mum.
Exorcism of Emily Rose-I think the flow is brilliant and well-written. Although the film was banking-in on the theme of uncertainty, we know for a fact that noone can prove that God doesn't exist. And I think it is a smart move by the writers (the part where doubts are cast everywhere), no doubt to prevent censorship. And it shouldn't be missed IMHO. (side note: anyone care to share their thoughts on this film? please do so ya)
Planetshakers-Was late-really wondered how much I'd compromise for work. Drove like a maniac, think Orange (read: my car) was terrified at all the near misses...Was there when they were almost wrapping it up..Think I was a killjoy. Was sleeping outside the conference hall whilst Aaron and Kat were waiting at the foot of the sorrie man
Went for supper at Asia Cafe, poor Sharon found a baby cockroach in her bowl of misua soup. But it didn't kill other people's appetite, like Mark who gulped down a bigger bowl (from the same shop) with more gusto. Think it must have disgusted Sharon even more. Funny. And I never made it for PS the next day. Came back from work even later!
(side note: Aaron=subset of Sharon as in, Sh-Aaron!) Ok, that was lame and I read it off Sharon's autograph book with someone signing in the same name.)
Wedding-Not mine of course. Bought a dress on the day itself. Good buy too. Pretty little thing. But would have a field day cleaning it with all the sequins. Food was the usual 10 course chinese dinner...
Bored, left early. Got lost on the way back to my friend's house where I parked my car. Had a row with dad for being 'stupid' about not knowing exactly where his house is. Okay, that's 2 times I've been lost this week. Rather not tell the first time. Don't know why I've got such a bad sense of direction.
Church-After mass, went for breakfast at the Sri Sedaya's cafeteria. Ordered a nasi lemak with chicken and egg-and it cost rm5.50. What a rip off...
Anne gave Adrian a bar of chocolate which she had bought from Australia, and he so spontaneously shared with all of us. Just like Charlie in the Roald Dahl film =) And just so happened Anne had a Wonka bar in her bag. How ironic...
Health-Also been having on-off fever this week. And back ache. Think I better go for a check-up when I've got the free time. And I need to exercise more. Think I'm really unfit nowadays. Okay, this serves as a mental note.
Some random thoughts for this week.
Quote of the day: His pain, your gain.
Prayer-Evelyn shared with me something Fr Aloysius's homily. (side note: he's one of the more well-built priest around according to her, her exact words-s.e.x.y. I also know someone who really like this word, and thinks he is one =) Among others, Father said that prayer can be compared to dating.
"Dating is pointless-and so is prayer, as in, petitions might not be granted, but people date because they'd like to be in each other's presence and company-the same with prayer, we'd like to be in our God's presence and that is why we pray."
Just thought of something, opposite of Amen-Naymen? heeh
Desperate Housewives-I've missed episodes one too many. But last weeks' was rather twisted and a little scary. The part where Bree's son would go to that extent to get back at his mum.
Exorcism of Emily Rose-I think the flow is brilliant and well-written. Although the film was banking-in on the theme of uncertainty, we know for a fact that noone can prove that God doesn't exist. And I think it is a smart move by the writers (the part where doubts are cast everywhere), no doubt to prevent censorship. And it shouldn't be missed IMHO. (side note: anyone care to share their thoughts on this film? please do so ya)
Planetshakers-Was late-really wondered how much I'd compromise for work. Drove like a maniac, think Orange (read: my car) was terrified at all the near misses...Was there when they were almost wrapping it up..Think I was a killjoy. Was sleeping outside the conference hall whilst Aaron and Kat were waiting at the foot of the sorrie man
Went for supper at Asia Cafe, poor Sharon found a baby cockroach in her bowl of misua soup. But it didn't kill other people's appetite, like Mark who gulped down a bigger bowl (from the same shop) with more gusto. Think it must have disgusted Sharon even more. Funny. And I never made it for PS the next day. Came back from work even later!
(side note: Aaron=subset of Sharon as in, Sh-Aaron!) Ok, that was lame and I read it off Sharon's autograph book with someone signing in the same name.)
Wedding-Not mine of course. Bought a dress on the day itself. Good buy too. Pretty little thing. But would have a field day cleaning it with all the sequins. Food was the usual 10 course chinese dinner...
Bored, left early. Got lost on the way back to my friend's house where I parked my car. Had a row with dad for being 'stupid' about not knowing exactly where his house is. Okay, that's 2 times I've been lost this week. Rather not tell the first time. Don't know why I've got such a bad sense of direction.
Church-After mass, went for breakfast at the Sri Sedaya's cafeteria. Ordered a nasi lemak with chicken and egg-and it cost rm5.50. What a rip off...
Anne gave Adrian a bar of chocolate which she had bought from Australia, and he so spontaneously shared with all of us. Just like Charlie in the Roald Dahl film =) And just so happened Anne had a Wonka bar in her bag. How ironic...
Health-Also been having on-off fever this week. And back ache. Think I better go for a check-up when I've got the free time. And I need to exercise more. Think I'm really unfit nowadays. Okay, this serves as a mental note.
Some random thoughts for this week.
Quote of the day: His pain, your gain.
Monday, November 07, 2005
I remember my friends say that life's never fair...i use to disagree with him but now i've got to admit that he is so darn right...some people get to enjoy and have a good life while others just have to suffer though it...
I remember during secondary years whenever i'm unhappy or depressed i'll just cycle my bicycle or think happy thoughts (or just dream of one).....but now life's just so hard that even cycling and thinking of happy thoughts won't work.Life's just so tough and burdened that it seems to want to choke you to death, you feel so suffocated than its hard for you to breath...till you can't even scream out loud...
I pray Lord that you would constantly help me and give me strength to live.....
I remember during secondary years whenever i'm unhappy or depressed i'll just cycle my bicycle or think happy thoughts (or just dream of one).....but now life's just so hard that even cycling and thinking of happy thoughts won't work.Life's just so tough and burdened that it seems to want to choke you to death, you feel so suffocated than its hard for you to breath...till you can't even scream out loud...
I pray Lord that you would constantly help me and give me strength to live.....
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Things I've Observed for the Day
-If you drop by Starhill Gallery, (actually I'm not sure myself what exactly is the place, linked to Ritz Carlton/Marriott..) make sure you visit the washroom (by that, I meant the ladies)--beneath shops selling designer labels--food haven but really pricey no doubt. There's this huge wooden wheel in the middle of the basins that you need to push, or rather, pull like in the olden days to churn out water. Great ambience too in the stall..nice lamps, interesting architecture with protrudingly placed bricks as the stall's walls..very rustic. But a tad dark though..
-Marriott has an unmanned piano. Didn't see this part of Marriott last time I went there..hmm..
-Our Negaraku's origin from this Hawaiian hymm Mamula Moon?!..(okay, I didn't find that out today).
-Colliseum's food greatly disappointed me. Very.
-Don't go asking for serviettes in a mamak stall (not that I did). Just don't. Ask for tissue k.
-Oh yeah, don't go anywhere, especially KL, on the first day of Raya, nothing's open..but no traffic la...good for sightseeing
-Marriott has an unmanned piano. Didn't see this part of Marriott last time I went there..hmm..
-Our Negaraku's origin from this Hawaiian hymm Mamula Moon?!..(okay, I didn't find that out today).
-Colliseum's food greatly disappointed me. Very.
-Don't go asking for serviettes in a mamak stall (not that I did). Just don't. Ask for tissue k.
-Oh yeah, don't go anywhere, especially KL, on the first day of Raya, nothing's open..but no traffic la...good for sightseeing
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Monday, October 24, 2005
Trick or Treat?

I've had my fair share of "Halloween"ness--started off with watching this show Hocus Pocus--it's comedy tho. In a nutshell, about this 3 youths bringing witches back from the dead, picture them trottling down our modern day roads, which they lovingly coined the "black river"...
The usual ending, the witches died of natural causes..hehe, more like exploded into smitherins as they've failed to suck the soul out of a virgin before dawn--i.e light breaks. Funny too, how the witches got conned as Max outwitted them to escape just in the nick of time, before his lil sista (then young Thora Birch) was left soul-less...using the light from the car to disillusion the witches to think it's daylight, which would burn them, i.e cease to exist. I know, load of crap, but that's what I like =P hehe
Hey, not to suggest that I'm a load of crap....
Then there's this time where my class was organising a Haunted House to raise funds. I remembered we were so poor (or rather, stingy) that we were selling ice-creams in order to fund this project in the first place. Raising funds to raise funds, hehe. eee...
Anyways that was a great experience, choice of location: our then Nazareth building--mostly classroom for Form Sixes and sometimes for co-curricular activities--perfect place since it's already garnered enough reputation for being "haunted".
We patched up the place, till it's pitch black inside (sources: newpapers) and we stacked up chairs, covered them with black garbage bags to create the maze. Then we brought in the props, I remembered that we wrapped this poor classmate with toilet paper all over, since she's the MuMMy... hehe.
Wished I've blogged about this earlier, my memory's failing me.
I was sorta the miscellaneous running around person--was holding this wet hands that Grace got from Toys 'R' Us. After having soaked it for one night, it's really eeky, and it's quite handy, as those poor people who came into the pitch black maze was so utterly shocked out of their wits when I slabbed the grouuse thing on their feet--yea, think I was laying low-lit. near a "live" mannequin. Poor thing, she was subjected to stares from the passing crowd, but I guess there's where I conveniently came in, to keep 'em moving! =)
(note no. 1: key to Haunted House success is also in keeping the turnaround quick, i.e measured by the rate you'd get the crowd out, hence, go ahead and scare them silly!)
Towards the end, the ghosts got really tired (as there were no shifts, once you're the scary inmate ghosts/lunatic doctor, that you'll be for the rest of the day). So, they were just sleeping at their respective locations, me included--think I was chatting...and funnily enough, that was scary to people too..figures
(so note no. 2: another key performance measure to note next time is, long-winded plans to scare people are not a necessity, probably can focus on pushing profits through other means by utilising ghosts to sell souvenirs in the House itself/picture posing session/nick their wallets). Of course last one is just a joke.
So...... after that, customarily, we sat down together (first to count $$) hehe. Then the next day we shared the events of the previous day..... Some said that there were non-existent characters as represented by some VI boys, like a pontianak holding a glowing crystal-ball which we didn't have. Some said eyes in the portraits moved and a fellow classmate felt something scratched her when the pile of desks fell on her (this was prior to the House opening).
We were told it's usual for spirits to be lurking around whenever the Nazareth was used as a Haunted House. They'd usually "come out and play" (note to bi: sure you freak one, hehe).
Anyways, enough for the day, blog another time.. Should hit the sack before I scare myself silly. Good night and Happy Halloween~
Monday, October 17, 2005
A must see Japanese movie :)
I love this show alot...some of the animation may suck but the fighting since and morality of it is real cool :)
Casshern - An alternate world with an alternate history.
The entire planet was divided between two opposing alliances.
After fifty years of bitter warfare, the Greater Eastern Federation triumphs over the forces of Europa and gains dominion over the Eurasian continent.
However, this is an empty victory. Years of chemical, biological and nuclear war have poisoned the land and left an exhausted population at the mercy of every pestilence and newly-mutated disease.
It seems that there's little hope for humanity's future. Debate rages over the chances of finding some way to stave off the seemingly-inevitable decline of civilization.
One man comes forward with a possible solution. Dr. Azuma is a geneticist who proposes a "neo-cell" treatment that can rejuvenate the body and regenerate humankind. He's driven in his studies by a desire to save his beloved wife, Midori, from the ravages of pollution-related disease.
He appeals for funding to the government but the politicians in the Health Ministry turn him down, fearing that the new technology will threaten their entrenched powers.
However, a sinister faction in the powerful military makes a secret offer to provide the support he needs to further his research.
When an incident occurs in the lab that sends the Professor's "neo-cell" cloning experiment haywire, a race of mutant human beings (Shinzo Ningen) is unleashed upon the world.
Instead of being the savior of mankind, the Professor's miraculous technology looks set to threaten its very existence...
-What Elaine say-
I like this movie...alot :D it shows a world full of hatred and death and war...humans take revenge on people because they were hurt by others..they think that by killing each other only they will be satisfy and have peace but it shows other ways...when the neo-cell cloning went wrong they try to distroy those experimented people they created by doing so those that survived swore to kill humans because of their cruelty....when they try to destroy humans slowly they to get themselves the end Tetsuya the professor's son who also is part of the neo-cells and his wife use their love and life to sacrifice for the earth to bring in peace and harmony....
cool movie loved it alot :)
I love this show alot...some of the animation may suck but the fighting since and morality of it is real cool :)
Casshern - An alternate world with an alternate history.
The entire planet was divided between two opposing alliances.
After fifty years of bitter warfare, the Greater Eastern Federation triumphs over the forces of Europa and gains dominion over the Eurasian continent.
However, this is an empty victory. Years of chemical, biological and nuclear war have poisoned the land and left an exhausted population at the mercy of every pestilence and newly-mutated disease.
It seems that there's little hope for humanity's future. Debate rages over the chances of finding some way to stave off the seemingly-inevitable decline of civilization.
One man comes forward with a possible solution. Dr. Azuma is a geneticist who proposes a "neo-cell" treatment that can rejuvenate the body and regenerate humankind. He's driven in his studies by a desire to save his beloved wife, Midori, from the ravages of pollution-related disease.
He appeals for funding to the government but the politicians in the Health Ministry turn him down, fearing that the new technology will threaten their entrenched powers.
However, a sinister faction in the powerful military makes a secret offer to provide the support he needs to further his research.
When an incident occurs in the lab that sends the Professor's "neo-cell" cloning experiment haywire, a race of mutant human beings (Shinzo Ningen) is unleashed upon the world.
Instead of being the savior of mankind, the Professor's miraculous technology looks set to threaten its very existence...
-What Elaine say-
I like this movie...alot :D it shows a world full of hatred and death and war...humans take revenge on people because they were hurt by others..they think that by killing each other only they will be satisfy and have peace but it shows other ways...when the neo-cell cloning went wrong they try to distroy those experimented people they created by doing so those that survived swore to kill humans because of their cruelty....when they try to destroy humans slowly they to get themselves the end Tetsuya the professor's son who also is part of the neo-cells and his wife use their love and life to sacrifice for the earth to bring in peace and harmony....
cool movie loved it alot :)
E.T.= Sorry Irene for abandoning this place for ssssssssoooooooooooo................. long...didnt get the privilege to go online this long for ssssssssooooooooo long.....lifes tough when you don't have easy access to just don't get the chance to always update things including my friendster...had had that picture since last year *hehe blush hehe*
Was going to get streamx when i jus found out that someone had wreck our phone line and it takes RM200 to fix it only i can apply for streamx :'( {oh the pain of life} Darnnit!!!and i've got to wait a loooooong line for my college internet for my turn to use the internet...when i get to use it it goes so slow that i can just have lunch and come back and it will still not move!!!!
so thats y lor :P
Was going to get streamx when i jus found out that someone had wreck our phone line and it takes RM200 to fix it only i can apply for streamx :'( {oh the pain of life} Darnnit!!!and i've got to wait a loooooong line for my college internet for my turn to use the internet...when i get to use it it goes so slow that i can just have lunch and come back and it will still not move!!!!
so thats y lor :P
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
There was noone in sight
Home-bound I was
It was pouring hard
Just awhile ago
Dear God, where are You
I saw a rainbow
And smiled
I want to dance for joy
Cause You are worthy
Of all praises
You pick us up when we fall
You held us tight when we're down
My closest friend
Oh how I yearn to be in Your presence
Cause You're amazing, Lord
King of all the Earth
Thank you, Lord
For Your love
To us all
Home-bound I was
It was pouring hard
Just awhile ago
Dear God, where are You
I saw a rainbow
And smiled
I want to dance for joy
Cause You are worthy
Of all praises
You pick us up when we fall
You held us tight when we're down
My closest friend
Oh how I yearn to be in Your presence
Cause You're amazing, Lord
King of all the Earth
Thank you, Lord
For Your love
To us all
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Dear Journal,
I'm looking forward to the trip end of this month. I will be needing it to clear my mind and to hopefully come back refreshed and with a renewed perspective on life. A colleague of mine said some things which were very true, and I'm really ashamed. I need to be more proactive. I need to be more effective. I'm going through much stress at work. Am also wondering whether I should switch jobs. But I'm so tired. [insert some Shakespeare-an 2B/, that only confuses things] I need to embrace Nike's tagline. Yea, that's it, embrace. As long as I remind myself everyday, it should come naturally. Sure thing.
I've been reading this self-help book by Stephen Covey on being effective. Among others, it persuades us to not let our environment and the weaknesses of others influence us. We choose our responses. We don't say "if only"...
It really saddens me that I know the theories of being effective but I can't seem to have enough courage to put it into practice. Even if I realize my weaknesses, I know what I can do to rectify it, but I just don't. I feel defective.
All this talk brings me back to my formerly favourite quote, "I was born intelligent, but education ruined me"... Education has contributed to my passivity. And my lame attitude. And the fact that I'm saying this makes me lame, and affirms my point. So this is it. To put whatever knowledge I've learnt, all those training in high school and college -- all those years preparing the way for work, and turn it into skills. Will I finally be able to say, education wasn't wasted?
If only.
It probably isn't fair to blame it on education. It's my environment. So much for reading a book which stresses on anything but that.
Today's reading (from Our Daily Bread) Job 23:8-17
Of which scripture reads, "He knows the way that I take; when He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold." -Job 23:10
And the footnote reads, "A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without adversity."
It is indeed near, to this chapter in life where I am, interestingly enough.
I'm looking forward to the trip end of this month. I will be needing it to clear my mind and to hopefully come back refreshed and with a renewed perspective on life. A colleague of mine said some things which were very true, and I'm really ashamed. I need to be more proactive. I need to be more effective. I'm going through much stress at work. Am also wondering whether I should switch jobs. But I'm so tired. [insert some Shakespeare-an 2B/, that only confuses things] I need to embrace Nike's tagline. Yea, that's it, embrace. As long as I remind myself everyday, it should come naturally. Sure thing.
I've been reading this self-help book by Stephen Covey on being effective. Among others, it persuades us to not let our environment and the weaknesses of others influence us. We choose our responses. We don't say "if only"...
It really saddens me that I know the theories of being effective but I can't seem to have enough courage to put it into practice. Even if I realize my weaknesses, I know what I can do to rectify it, but I just don't. I feel defective.
All this talk brings me back to my formerly favourite quote, "I was born intelligent, but education ruined me"... Education has contributed to my passivity. And my lame attitude. And the fact that I'm saying this makes me lame, and affirms my point. So this is it. To put whatever knowledge I've learnt, all those training in high school and college -- all those years preparing the way for work, and turn it into skills. Will I finally be able to say, education wasn't wasted?
If only.
It probably isn't fair to blame it on education. It's my environment. So much for reading a book which stresses on anything but that.
Today's reading (from Our Daily Bread) Job 23:8-17
Of which scripture reads, "He knows the way that I take; when He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold." -Job 23:10
And the footnote reads, "A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without adversity."
It is indeed near, to this chapter in life where I am, interestingly enough.
Friday, September 09, 2005
Guang Liang - Tong Hua
wang le you duo jiu
~Forgotten how long it has been
zai mei ting dao ni
~Since I heard you
dui wo shuo ni zui ai de gu shi
~Tell me your favourite(or most loved) story
wo xiang le hen jiu
~I thought for a long while/time
wo kai shi huang le
~And started to worry
shi bu shi wo you zuo cuo le shen me
~Was it me who did anything wrong
ni ku zhao dui wo shuo
~You cried and told me
tong hua li du shi pian ren de
~Fairy tales are all false lies
wo bu ke neng shi ni de wang zi
~I cannot be your prince
ye xu ni bu hui dong
~Maybe you won’t know
cong ni shuo ai wo yi hou
~From the moment you told me you loved me
wo de tian kong xing xing dou liang le
~My sky and stars sparkled bright
*wo yuan bian cheng tong hua li
~I’m willing to become in the fairytale
ni ai de na ge tian shi
~The angel you so love
zhang kai shuang shou
~Open up both my hands
bian cheng chi bang shou hu ni
~To become that of wings to watch over you
ni yao xiang xin
~You have to believe
xiang xin wo men hui xiang tong hua gu shi li
~Believe we will be be, like in the fairytale
xin fu he kuai le shi jie ju
~Happiness and joy/gladness is the ending
Repeat # and *
yi qi xie wo men de jie ju
~Let us write our ending together
source :
lyrics : Leo
translation : Diana
~Forgotten how long it has been
zai mei ting dao ni
~Since I heard you
dui wo shuo ni zui ai de gu shi
~Tell me your favourite(or most loved) story
wo xiang le hen jiu
~I thought for a long while/time
wo kai shi huang le
~And started to worry
shi bu shi wo you zuo cuo le shen me
~Was it me who did anything wrong
ni ku zhao dui wo shuo
~You cried and told me
tong hua li du shi pian ren de
~Fairy tales are all false lies
wo bu ke neng shi ni de wang zi
~I cannot be your prince
ye xu ni bu hui dong
~Maybe you won’t know
cong ni shuo ai wo yi hou
~From the moment you told me you loved me
wo de tian kong xing xing dou liang le
~My sky and stars sparkled bright
*wo yuan bian cheng tong hua li
~I’m willing to become in the fairytale
ni ai de na ge tian shi
~The angel you so love
zhang kai shuang shou
~Open up both my hands
bian cheng chi bang shou hu ni
~To become that of wings to watch over you
ni yao xiang xin
~You have to believe
xiang xin wo men hui xiang tong hua gu shi li
~Believe we will be be, like in the fairytale
xin fu he kuai le shi jie ju
~Happiness and joy/gladness is the ending
Repeat # and *
yi qi xie wo men de jie ju
~Let us write our ending together
source :
lyrics : Leo
translation : Diana
Sunday, September 04, 2005
A Book! =)
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Some Tweaking - Recently Watched

Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
A Short Entry
I've just been pondering on where I am in my walk with God. Plenty has happened over the past year. It has been a good trip back to Malacca, and I was just praying for God to reveal himself vividly to me, desperately searching amongst the hues cutting across the horizon..for anything.
But there was nothing, but the great blue sky (with golden shimmers as it was nearing dusk)..
My search for God was short-lived as the picture that replaces the majestic spread before me is an incident that happened just moments before our departure. I'm so saddened by my uncle's remarks that he doesn't believe in God but himself. He said, "Where is God in a world which never hears the end of suffering?"
He is here, right where He was there when He let His only son to die on the cross to save us all.
What an amazing, amazing love. I've just never felt so much power in that statement, not till that very moment. And I felt that He was with us and His grace was just overpowering as my sister spoke those words to my uncle. I'm pretty certain Ah Pek was moved by what you said. And you have affirmed me so much, bi. Not only that day. I'm so proud of you. I'm going to miss you immensely. And it's going to be hard finding your replacement.
But there was nothing, but the great blue sky (with golden shimmers as it was nearing dusk)..
My search for God was short-lived as the picture that replaces the majestic spread before me is an incident that happened just moments before our departure. I'm so saddened by my uncle's remarks that he doesn't believe in God but himself. He said, "Where is God in a world which never hears the end of suffering?"
He is here, right where He was there when He let His only son to die on the cross to save us all.
What an amazing, amazing love. I've just never felt so much power in that statement, not till that very moment. And I felt that He was with us and His grace was just overpowering as my sister spoke those words to my uncle. I'm pretty certain Ah Pek was moved by what you said. And you have affirmed me so much, bi. Not only that day. I'm so proud of you. I'm going to miss you immensely. And it's going to be hard finding your replacement.
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
On Ecology, Some Revelations by Marvin Gaye
Ah, mercy, mercy me,
Ah, things ain't what they used to be, no, no.
Where did all the blue skies go?
Poison is the wind that blows from the north and south and east.
(i.e hazy it is, now)
Mercy, mercy me,
Ah, things ain't what they used to be, no, no.
Oil wasted on the ocean and upon
our seas fish full of mercury,
(so there's where all the oil went, hence, the ever so frequent hike in fuel prices)
Oh, mercy, mercy me.
Ah, things ain't what they used to be, no, no, no.
Radiation underground and in the sky;
animals and birds who live near by are dying
Oh, mercy, mercy me.
Ah, things ain't what they used to be.
What about this over crowded land?
How much more abuse from man can she stand?
"Mercy Mercy Me" snipet on
Haze is back again, now due to burning on peat land. Just gets better and better. Apparently this form of burning is harder to extinguish. Firemen are risking their lives, hoping against hope they wouldn't step onto innocent looking mines on the now soften grounds in the forest.
I seem to be affected by the air since I keep getting out of breath when I'm outside. Maybe it's psychological, i.e I know that the air is unhealthy therefore my mind tells my body to react accordingly, sheesh, how twisted. But then again, I probably shouldn't give too much credit to my mind since I've been decaffeinated for 2 days now and I'm still up and about (read : haven't fall asleep at work yet). If I've been psychological and think that I need coffee to survive, I've probably called in sick/dead. Hehh, the latter when I've used up my annual leave?! Which is coincidentally true, 'tis sad. Calling in dead, what a thought...hmm...O well, I guess I'm still up due to the residual caffein that I've accumulated in the past month, thanks to my daily dosage =P Using up fast, better get more supplies, and quick.
Psychologically unfit, I am =P
Anyways, here are some ideas for us to do our part for our environment :
-Recycle, don't think those recycling bins propaganda-ed is taking that much effect, least for me that is, since they usually get conveniently converted into a trash can. The ads actually confuse me and since the colour so not match with the kind of trash. Don't think I've heard of those ads anymore though, but then again, I don't on the radio and tv =P Well, we can collect all those stuff and take it down to Giant; exchange them for some shopping vouchers, hence giving you more incentive to do so eh? (but then again, we check into Giant, grab some junk, essentially anyways. Sheesh, it's a vicious cycle) =P Hey when in doubt, bring it down to Giant, you'll also get a learning experience of knowing trash from not =P hmm...I'm not the new Giant promoter, though.
-Point number 2, try to be an efficient user i.e use only what is needed, eat only what's needed. Not that difficult to do rite, since we can save money and look great =) This would minimize the total amount of rubbish we produce and also free up land for its location and also energy needed to handle them.
-And for those who work in the office, i.e me, print only the necessary and don't throw those unwanted papers away. The shredding machine is not too far away and even if it is, it's time to work those tyres anyway. Hm...can't speak much for myself since my drawer is slowly (probably not that slow also) building its own fort. Need to start bringing them back home in shifts, pronto. Why? Plan to use them up first before I actually shred them, dunno how la, since my sis is on long, extended un-utilizing of stationeries and what not. Probably can use to wrap stuff? I'm up for suggestions...I know, TeRiBBLe... Please, please recycle paper, we need to save our trees, it takes years to grow!
-One last practical point, I used to have this habit of keeping things because of pendidikan seni in school, like toothpaste boxes, wrappers etc. Think I still keep this in mind everytime I throw things away, whether they can be used again in any way =) which explains why my room got so much junk! But it's good if we have this mentality, like don't throw away plastic bags simply because you can use them for storing, garbage etc. No need to go buy plastic bags to put your garbage mah...
Ah, things ain't what they used to be, no, no.
Where did all the blue skies go?
Poison is the wind that blows from the north and south and east.
(i.e hazy it is, now)
Mercy, mercy me,
Ah, things ain't what they used to be, no, no.
Oil wasted on the ocean and upon
our seas fish full of mercury,
(so there's where all the oil went, hence, the ever so frequent hike in fuel prices)
Oh, mercy, mercy me.
Ah, things ain't what they used to be, no, no, no.
Radiation underground and in the sky;
animals and birds who live near by are dying
Oh, mercy, mercy me.
Ah, things ain't what they used to be.
What about this over crowded land?
How much more abuse from man can she stand?
"Mercy Mercy Me" snipet on
Haze is back again, now due to burning on peat land. Just gets better and better. Apparently this form of burning is harder to extinguish. Firemen are risking their lives, hoping against hope they wouldn't step onto innocent looking mines on the now soften grounds in the forest.
I seem to be affected by the air since I keep getting out of breath when I'm outside. Maybe it's psychological, i.e I know that the air is unhealthy therefore my mind tells my body to react accordingly, sheesh, how twisted. But then again, I probably shouldn't give too much credit to my mind since I've been decaffeinated for 2 days now and I'm still up and about (read : haven't fall asleep at work yet). If I've been psychological and think that I need coffee to survive, I've probably called in sick/dead. Hehh, the latter when I've used up my annual leave?! Which is coincidentally true, 'tis sad. Calling in dead, what a thought...hmm...O well, I guess I'm still up due to the residual caffein that I've accumulated in the past month, thanks to my daily dosage =P Using up fast, better get more supplies, and quick.
Psychologically unfit, I am =P
Anyways, here are some ideas for us to do our part for our environment :
-Recycle, don't think those recycling bins propaganda-ed is taking that much effect, least for me that is, since they usually get conveniently converted into a trash can. The ads actually confuse me and since the colour so not match with the kind of trash. Don't think I've heard of those ads anymore though, but then again, I don't on the radio and tv =P Well, we can collect all those stuff and take it down to Giant; exchange them for some shopping vouchers, hence giving you more incentive to do so eh? (but then again, we check into Giant, grab some junk, essentially anyways. Sheesh, it's a vicious cycle) =P Hey when in doubt, bring it down to Giant, you'll also get a learning experience of knowing trash from not =P hmm...I'm not the new Giant promoter, though.
-Point number 2, try to be an efficient user i.e use only what is needed, eat only what's needed. Not that difficult to do rite, since we can save money and look great =) This would minimize the total amount of rubbish we produce and also free up land for its location and also energy needed to handle them.
-And for those who work in the office, i.e me, print only the necessary and don't throw those unwanted papers away. The shredding machine is not too far away and even if it is, it's time to work those tyres anyway. Hm...can't speak much for myself since my drawer is slowly (probably not that slow also) building its own fort. Need to start bringing them back home in shifts, pronto. Why? Plan to use them up first before I actually shred them, dunno how la, since my sis is on long, extended un-utilizing of stationeries and what not. Probably can use to wrap stuff? I'm up for suggestions...I know, TeRiBBLe... Please, please recycle paper, we need to save our trees, it takes years to grow!
[Some estimates suggest that recycling half the paper currently used in the world would free four million hectares of forest from paper production]
-One last practical point, I used to have this habit of keeping things because of pendidikan seni in school, like toothpaste boxes, wrappers etc. Think I still keep this in mind everytime I throw things away, whether they can be used again in any way =) which explains why my room got so much junk! But it's good if we have this mentality, like don't throw away plastic bags simply because you can use them for storing, garbage etc. No need to go buy plastic bags to put your garbage mah...
Monday, August 01, 2005
Dear Journal,
Isn’t it weird. Isn’t it strange
Even though we’re just two strangers on this runaway train
We’re both trying to find a place in the sun
We’ve lived in the shadows, but doesn’t everyone
Isn’t it strange how we all feel a little bit weird sometimes
Isn’t it hard. Standing in the rain
You’re on the verge of going crazy and your heart’s in pain
No one can hear though you’re screaming so loud
You feel all alone in a faceless crowd
Isn’t it strange how we all get a little bit weird sometimes
Sitting on the side. Waiting for a sign. Hoping that my luck will change
Reaching for a hand that can understand, someone who feels the same
When you live in a cookie cutter world being different is a sin
So you don’t stand out. And you don’t fit in. Weird
Sitting on the side. Waiting for a sign. Hoping that my luck will change
Reaching for a hand that can understand, someone who feels the same
When you live in a cookie cutter world if you’re different you can’t win
So you don’t stand out and you don’t fit in. Weird
Isn’t it strange how we all feel a little bit weird
Strange, how we all get a little bit
Strange, ’cause we’re all just a little bit weird sometimes
Even though we’re just two strangers on this runaway train
We’re both trying to find a place in the sun
We’ve lived in the shadows, but doesn’t everyone
Isn’t it strange how we all feel a little bit weird sometimes
Isn’t it hard. Standing in the rain
You’re on the verge of going crazy and your heart’s in pain
No one can hear though you’re screaming so loud
You feel all alone in a faceless crowd
Isn’t it strange how we all get a little bit weird sometimes
Sitting on the side. Waiting for a sign. Hoping that my luck will change
Reaching for a hand that can understand, someone who feels the same
When you live in a cookie cutter world being different is a sin
So you don’t stand out. And you don’t fit in. Weird
Sitting on the side. Waiting for a sign. Hoping that my luck will change
Reaching for a hand that can understand, someone who feels the same
When you live in a cookie cutter world if you’re different you can’t win
So you don’t stand out and you don’t fit in. Weird
Isn’t it strange how we all feel a little bit weird
Strange, how we all get a little bit
Strange, ’cause we’re all just a little bit weird sometimes
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Entry: a l-i-n-k
This is a very cute page I've found back after my pc has 'returned from the dead'...
courtesy of
courtesy of
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Shall We Dance?
The picture revolves around the life of John, (played by Richard Gere) who leads a normal life, normal wife, normal kids - and yet, he finds himself empty in a certain area of his life - where he eventually discovered his passion for dancing! And so he takes up dancing classes, meets a new bunch of friends, all this while leaving his wife (Susan Sarandon) and kids in the dark.
Meanwhile, his wife suspects he's up to no good and hired a detective to check him out. The detective character is a cute addition to the cast - the fact that he has such 'cheap' humour. Some scenes that come to mind include him shaking the crumbs off his hands after he ate into his fishtank - poor things, only crumbs?! instead of washing his hands, after which he swiftly whooshed out a comb to smooth out the hair on his half-bald head or whatever that's left of it - and his eyebrows, all this while talking to his new client, John's wife (can't remember her name). And then, out pops his sidekick assistant out of nowhere - like a cuckoo bird. Funny enough, he always manages to empathize with the situation even in his brief moment of 'popping-out', coming up with apt quotes to suit each occassion; one would raise an eyebrow, I know mine did.
Then there's the owner of the dancing school, Ms Mitzy, who each time before she starts her class approaches something that looks very much like a tabernacle - apparently it houses, among other things, shots that she takes before her class commences - especially the novice class on Wednesday nights, after which, she massages her wrinkles, put up a nice wide smile in front of the mirror and turns to face the class, hehe. I like the good balance of elements played in the picture and who'd thought JLo (as Paulina) could be capable of such grace (in dancing...) But she does look constipated most of the time...she has probably overplayed her character here...
One thing unique about this picture is how John and Paulina's relationship did not go beyond dancing partners - but people who share the same passion for dancing, although it might not seem so in the beginning; and that relationship between men and women that is platonic although so rarely exploited in movies and even in real life, is possible.
The theme of this picture is really on the true meaning and stronghold of marriage and that you marry someone to be a witness to one's life - "Your life will not go unnoticed because I'll be your witness." I give full credit to the writers for coming up with such a good expression to what marriage is. John's reason for not disclosing to his wife - he didn't want to hurt the person he treasure most by wanting to be happier. I thought it was such a terribly good reason that I'm beginning to have my suspicions - was it really his reason? Or was it, simply, a reason? makes me feel like dancing! Sorry for the disconnected-ness, I got tired =)
Meanwhile, his wife suspects he's up to no good and hired a detective to check him out. The detective character is a cute addition to the cast - the fact that he has such 'cheap' humour. Some scenes that come to mind include him shaking the crumbs off his hands after he ate into his fishtank - poor things, only crumbs?! instead of washing his hands, after which he swiftly whooshed out a comb to smooth out the hair on his half-bald head or whatever that's left of it - and his eyebrows, all this while talking to his new client, John's wife (can't remember her name). And then, out pops his sidekick assistant out of nowhere - like a cuckoo bird. Funny enough, he always manages to empathize with the situation even in his brief moment of 'popping-out', coming up with apt quotes to suit each occassion; one would raise an eyebrow, I know mine did.
Then there's the owner of the dancing school, Ms Mitzy, who each time before she starts her class approaches something that looks very much like a tabernacle - apparently it houses, among other things, shots that she takes before her class commences - especially the novice class on Wednesday nights, after which, she massages her wrinkles, put up a nice wide smile in front of the mirror and turns to face the class, hehe. I like the good balance of elements played in the picture and who'd thought JLo (as Paulina) could be capable of such grace (in dancing...) But she does look constipated most of the time...she has probably overplayed her character here...
One thing unique about this picture is how John and Paulina's relationship did not go beyond dancing partners - but people who share the same passion for dancing, although it might not seem so in the beginning; and that relationship between men and women that is platonic although so rarely exploited in movies and even in real life, is possible.
The theme of this picture is really on the true meaning and stronghold of marriage and that you marry someone to be a witness to one's life - "Your life will not go unnoticed because I'll be your witness." I give full credit to the writers for coming up with such a good expression to what marriage is. John's reason for not disclosing to his wife - he didn't want to hurt the person he treasure most by wanting to be happier. I thought it was such a terribly good reason that I'm beginning to have my suspicions - was it really his reason? Or was it, simply, a reason? makes me feel like dancing! Sorry for the disconnected-ness, I got tired =)
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Aftermath of EIP
Elaine: Well, as for some of you might know, i helped Adrian and the confirmands to organise the EIP(Exposure Immersion Program) for the confirmands. It is a program to bring the confirmands to homes or centers to let them get exposed or in another way to show them the other ugly side of the world, far from their usual pampered world.(its true, i find that a lot of young teens now are so pampered and are not aware that there are lots of unfortunate people!!! Well, i got the previlege to follow them and go to this leprosy center... The place is actually beautiful, full of greens, flowers place (there are lots of nursery that sell extra cheap plants) and all of the building are very world war 1 times...according to one of the resident there, it has over 100 years of history...
When i reached there we were greeted by the person in-charge and he brought us to wards to visit the patients there..
It was heart wrenching to see them...some lost their legs and are not able to walk, some their fingers are gone, some they had gone blind and got other sickness like diabetes and cancer etc....
I remembered most a patient that was categorised as a psychiatric case, no one approached him so Ching Wei and I went up to talk to him....but all he does is asked us to take the grill on his bed's sad to see him like this, i know that people dont like to be locked up especially when you are already sick...but all we can do is to tell him that we can't....
There are a lots of patients there that are as sad as him...cause they are all abandoned by their families and just waiting to die there...a lot of them had been staying there for more than 50 years....just sad, really sad....
A lot of times i have to control myself and not cry out...
I guess all i can do is to just pray for them....
When i reached there we were greeted by the person in-charge and he brought us to wards to visit the patients there..
It was heart wrenching to see them...some lost their legs and are not able to walk, some their fingers are gone, some they had gone blind and got other sickness like diabetes and cancer etc....
I remembered most a patient that was categorised as a psychiatric case, no one approached him so Ching Wei and I went up to talk to him....but all he does is asked us to take the grill on his bed's sad to see him like this, i know that people dont like to be locked up especially when you are already sick...but all we can do is to tell him that we can't....
There are a lots of patients there that are as sad as him...cause they are all abandoned by their families and just waiting to die there...a lot of them had been staying there for more than 50 years....just sad, really sad....
A lot of times i have to control myself and not cry out...
I guess all i can do is to just pray for them....
Of Life, Death and Then Some
The other day when I was walking to work one fine morning, I got a pretty good shock. A coconut fell somewhere short of where I was, tumbled a little, conveniently missed the car which was also passing by (although that road is usually deserted), hopped onto the pavement across the road, finally contented to settle there. I thought it would be really BAD if its aim was slightly more accurate. Its very high level of kinetic energy would definitely finish a person off, physics students might concur? I'd really preferred to die a slightly more honourable way. And since we're on the same subject, also having engraved a nice, warm message on my epitaph, hehe.
I used to be really, really afraid of death and that I used to think that when we die, it would be just like falling into a dark tunnel, endless, with no hope. On other occasions, I'd imagine that it would be just like a dream, you won't even know you're dead, driving through an avenue, also on a road with no end (I remember there being a couple of other people sharing the same ride but I can't recall who, hehe -my family?). Which reminds me, I used to be really depressed, and I had all the symptoms of depression. But thank God I did not have the courage to take the easy way out. Think God has always tried to communicate this message to me, that He can be real for me just as real as He was in other people's lives. These words have spoken to me on several occasions. And the blessings He has showered on me through the people I know (although it's just a handful, they're simply amazing people). Praise God for that.
So hear me out, He can be real for YOU too, so be encouraged!
On a related matter, I strongly object against the death sentence. No matter what this person has done, I really don't think that it justifies taking the life of that person in return. Man does not have the right to play God. Which was why I absolutely disliked "The Green Mile" very, very much. I remembered having utterly no choice but to take myself out of the mini theatre, having felt completely nauseated from its grueling scenes.
So, relating to para 1, probably God was trying to tell me something, either that, or, He missed? =)
On a completely different note, someone mentioned that he'd pen human on a form when asked for type of race. Interesting. But I'll save that for another day.
p.s OK, God doesn't miss.
I used to be really, really afraid of death and that I used to think that when we die, it would be just like falling into a dark tunnel, endless, with no hope. On other occasions, I'd imagine that it would be just like a dream, you won't even know you're dead, driving through an avenue, also on a road with no end (I remember there being a couple of other people sharing the same ride but I can't recall who, hehe -my family?). Which reminds me, I used to be really depressed, and I had all the symptoms of depression. But thank God I did not have the courage to take the easy way out. Think God has always tried to communicate this message to me, that He can be real for me just as real as He was in other people's lives. These words have spoken to me on several occasions. And the blessings He has showered on me through the people I know (although it's just a handful, they're simply amazing people). Praise God for that.
So hear me out, He can be real for YOU too, so be encouraged!
On a related matter, I strongly object against the death sentence. No matter what this person has done, I really don't think that it justifies taking the life of that person in return. Man does not have the right to play God. Which was why I absolutely disliked "The Green Mile" very, very much. I remembered having utterly no choice but to take myself out of the mini theatre, having felt completely nauseated from its grueling scenes.
So, relating to para 1, probably God was trying to tell me something, either that, or, He missed? =)
On a completely different note, someone mentioned that he'd pen human on a form when asked for type of race. Interesting. But I'll save that for another day.
p.s OK, God doesn't miss.
Monday, June 27, 2005
Hi !
My name is TravelMate 3202XCi. My new owner’s name is Irene. She works at K*** and therefore gets to use me for free...She loads me up with lots and lots of music files for the days when she gets paid for doing nothing, donkey jobs she calls it, haha…At the moment she’s doing her best to conceal herself from pesky, opportunistic seniors. However, it’s a losing battle against the severely alert seniors who probably have undergone training to track down errant juniors on probation like my owner to the very ends of K***. She recently got caught in several questionable situations, one involving the act of yawning and another while munching away on a Kitkat. She claims it as being completely coincidental and that these are the only two instances, but what are the odds that a passing senior passing in the no man’s land corner she’s in, happened to witness it, you do the math. Anyways...I hope she doesn’t use me as a sounding board (a loud one) on those days she’s stressed.
Signing off,
TravelMate 3202XCi ;)
Signing off,
TravelMate 3202XCi ;)
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Essay from a little girl about fathers day
Elaine: I miss dad so much by Vanessa
TOMORROW is Father's Day and I wish my father 'Happy Father's Day'. No matter what has happened, I still miss and love my father very much, I wish him good luck in whatever he does and happiness with his new family.
During the time I lived with my father, I knew that he worked very hard to support his new family, my brother Alex and me.
Now that my father has moved to another town far from Kota Kinabalu, he does not have much time to spend with us like what he did last time. Sob! Sob! So there is nothing much to say about being together.
Today I live with my mother. My father sometimes calls me and my brother just to find out how we are getting on.
Frankly speaking, deep in my heart, i wish we are still in one family like those happy days because I love both my parents very much. My father was the centre of my small world. Now it is gone. I feel sad when I think about it. Will my wish come true one day? Hope so.
This was written by a primary six pupil. Something worth thinking about.
Happy Father's Day and take care.
TOMORROW is Father's Day and I wish my father 'Happy Father's Day'. No matter what has happened, I still miss and love my father very much, I wish him good luck in whatever he does and happiness with his new family.
During the time I lived with my father, I knew that he worked very hard to support his new family, my brother Alex and me.
Now that my father has moved to another town far from Kota Kinabalu, he does not have much time to spend with us like what he did last time. Sob! Sob! So there is nothing much to say about being together.
Today I live with my mother. My father sometimes calls me and my brother just to find out how we are getting on.
Frankly speaking, deep in my heart, i wish we are still in one family like those happy days because I love both my parents very much. My father was the centre of my small world. Now it is gone. I feel sad when I think about it. Will my wish come true one day? Hope so.
This was written by a primary six pupil. Something worth thinking about.
Happy Father's Day and take care.
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
After camp...
Elaine: Whatssup people, just came back from camp...its a really cool camp cause we get to sleep in an antic, mysterious and dirty place. reminds me of the house of wax....
Anyway i learn alot from that camp especially from the last talk which talks bout Evangelism. It makes me think m i doing enough for God? I look at zillions of people that i pass by everyday, and most of them are not save and were deprive from the rights of knowing the God. It makes me think how m i to reach out to them?
I remember after the camp, we were ask to reach out to the people that went for evening mass with us and one of the participants say: Its hard and i dont know how!
Actually the answer is very easy. Since the first on our list to evengelise is Catholic..... (evil grin) Every sunday in CKK, me and Adrian and some other people will be in church at 8am. Other than opening a booth to sell our stuff, some of us would stand at the door with a genuine smile, holding Lifeline pamphlet and greet people and invite people to go to lifeline :)
You may think that its because we want more people to go to lifeline and increase the number of people so that we can b a happening ministry but NO>........the main point we do this is we know that Lifeline provides people with spiritual food which can save thier soul so if those people come to lifeline they will have a chance to get save :)
So we really are sort of have there (as the Bible say the harvest is plenty but labours are few) so this is one of a very easy way to evangelise to Catholics :) if got more suggestions do post it up :)
Anyway i learn alot from that camp especially from the last talk which talks bout Evangelism. It makes me think m i doing enough for God? I look at zillions of people that i pass by everyday, and most of them are not save and were deprive from the rights of knowing the God. It makes me think how m i to reach out to them?
I remember after the camp, we were ask to reach out to the people that went for evening mass with us and one of the participants say: Its hard and i dont know how!
Actually the answer is very easy. Since the first on our list to evengelise is Catholic..... (evil grin) Every sunday in CKK, me and Adrian and some other people will be in church at 8am. Other than opening a booth to sell our stuff, some of us would stand at the door with a genuine smile, holding Lifeline pamphlet and greet people and invite people to go to lifeline :)
You may think that its because we want more people to go to lifeline and increase the number of people so that we can b a happening ministry but NO>........the main point we do this is we know that Lifeline provides people with spiritual food which can save thier soul so if those people come to lifeline they will have a chance to get save :)
So we really are sort of have there (as the Bible say the harvest is plenty but labours are few) so this is one of a very easy way to evangelise to Catholics :) if got more suggestions do post it up :)
Friday, June 10, 2005
Believe it and be Satisfied :)
elaine: Everyone longs to give themselves completely to someone,to have a deep soul relationship with another,to be loved thoroughly, and exclusively.But God to a Christian says,"No, not until you are satisfied, fulfilled and content with being loved by Me alone,with giving yourself totally and unreservedly to Me,with having an intensely personal and unique relationship with Me alone, discovering that only in Me is your satisfaction to be found,will you be capable of the perfect human relationship that I have planned for you.You will never be able to unite with another until you are united with Me, exclusive of anyone or anything else, exclusive of any other desires of longings. I want you to stop planning, stop wishing, and allow Me to give you the most thrilling plan existing,one that you cannot imagine. I want you to have the very best! Please allow Me to bring it to you. You just keep watching Me, expecting the greatest things from Me, keep experiencing the satisfaction that I AM, keep listening and learning the things that I tell you, you just wait, that's all.Don't worry. Don't be anxious.Don't look around at the things others have gotten or that I've given them. Don't look at the things you think you want. You just keep looking at Me, or you'll miss what I want to show you. And then, when you're ready, I'll surprise you with a love more wonderful than any you would dream of. You see, until you are ready,(I am working even at this moment to have you both ready at the same time)until you are both satisfied exclusively with Me, and the life I prepared for you, you won't be able to experience the love that exemplifies your relationship with Me, and thus is the perfect love. And my dear one,I want you to have this most wonderful love. I want you to see in the flesh a picture of your relationship with Me,and enjoy materially and concretely,the everlasting union of beauty, perfection, and love. Know I love you utterly,I am God. Believe it, and be satisfied." :)
Friday, June 03, 2005
Flower ---> Working
shin yi: There you go... as promised, a flower planted in your blog!
I think flowers are one of the best thing on earth.. they cheer up the life of many people and bring out the joy in ppl...
I like flowers a lot too... not just limited to one but various type... rose, carnation, tulip (not that I have seen one, but just like it's structure..), sunflower, all sorts...
Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Craziest thing done for chess: Buy chess books (and read them!-There was one time I was reading books with only recordings of moves-if people were to see what I'm reading they'd probably think I'm mad because it's greek and not at all understandable), oh and yes, paying for some coaching and actually going for classes. Oh, and since we're on the subject of classes, I remember once reading a chess book (the ones that makes no sense) when waiting for piano classes..oh the irony..
So how is life in the fast lane? (okay, I don't play speed chess though) A typical "scenery" when going for tournament (or tourneys in short) ; Parents bringing picnic baskets (kidding..) but close I guess, minus the basket and picnic cloth, although I recall spotting a mat on some occasions..hehe.. Mind you, a huge number of chess whizzes in this country are juniors (kids, literally) and need to be fed..and they're already sharp enough to get themselves (okay, probably forced by parents) into such ruthless activities.. one would ask why?!? Go home and play PS2 lar kids! Think it also give us more dignified (and less stressful) way to win =P I remember that tourneys have always been really stressful, till I got no appetite for lunch =) So, what I do when stressed? Well, I've tried putting on Carpenters the whole time I'm playing..dunno what's the success rate, think many games went down the drain.. but I do know that everytime I listen to anything by them I'd remember chess..haha
I wouldn't recommend anyone to go to a chess tourney if you're not already a participant, simply because it usually suck the "happiness" out of anyone =) The air is usually very cold (everyone is wearing windbreakers-sometimes with the name of their states proudly emblazoned on it-well, I don't have one sad), people are also very very cold..colder than the air, hehh.. Unfortunately, this is the name of the game, it is essentially a mind game and as someone once told me, "You MUST hate your opponent and enter into the game with a strong mentality to annhilate (of course, not so much hate lah)..whereas some have a much simpler (and unruthless) mentality; simply put it, "Just play the game." Well, of course, the latter would probably not result in a bloodshed..
Friends made from chess: not many lar, although I knew my best friend when I first started playing when I was just 10 years that's a good thing =) Others..lost contact adi, till this day, never knew whether they were genuinely a friend or just playing politics, as usual.. Oh well, love them anyways..
Most importantly, I still play once in awhile because i genuinely believe it puts my mind on charge mode..can't leave it unattended for too long as it will rust easily..hence..heheh
Oh yeah, what's the deal with people walking around during their game anyways? Do you guys really gain inspiration from other people's game? Not in my case..back to Carpenters la =)
Sunday, May 08, 2005
Thought for the day
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