Friday, December 29, 2006
Some random thoughts at 3am..well, almost
Will be going to Melaka..see Grandma..have Satay, can do all that in one day? 2006 is fast ending!! So little time before all the heart attack continues!!!
Watched Cujo, that was a pretty sick dog. After watching that horror, was just wondering what was the producer thinking when they decided on a St. Bernard to cast as Beethoven, after its debut appearance as Cujo. And what was going through the mind of Cujo's producer when they casted a Saint as their psychotic, obviously demon-posessed four-legged lead. Food for thought eh?
Had a great time lepaking with friends from church today..having lunch..watching this hilarious feel-good movie..sharpening our skills at being fickled minded-searching for a place to yumcha, yet again!..and knotting cherry stems with your tongue. I didn't do the latter of course! Fun bunch..
Happy Holidays..made your resolutions yet or copying last year's? =)
Monday, December 25, 2006
I remember two incidents whereby there was this huge lorry trying the then unproblematic exit and was talking to the security guard, no doubt about the inefficient ticketing system. Thereafter, he drove past the exit as the barrier went up, only to bang the rain guard which was somewhat a little low as the lorry's roof gashed against it. The security guard was yelling after the guy while muttering to himself, I hope, to a colleague I can't see..
Then there was this couple where at the exit, I saw the girl searching frantically in her bag.. for the ticket. At first I thought it was the touch-n-go card, but it was the ticket..nevermind that. Anyway, it was pretty intense, I saw hand gestures from the guy, losing his patience no doubt, and the girl panicking. In the end, she poured everything out from her bag onto her lap. The guy had to pull aside while putting up the emergency lights. Eventually she found the ticket.. I think she'd most probably throw away the bag after that incident.. or, gosh, I hope they didn't break up over something so trivial as that!
By the way, carolling on Christmas eve was amazingly superb eh? Although the conductor seemed a tad fierce.. I won't want to be in the violinist's shoes. Imagine the pressure! They were so perfect, I was gonna kill myself! The many hidden talents...gosh...simply awesome.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Friday, December 15, 2006
Just that, we were yaking about this Altered Frequency guy seen at the Planet Shakers conference. Aaron was saying I should go say HI. Which I would probably die before I'll ever do something like that..
We left the lobby without thinking much of him. After which, we saw him at the elevator, and it was like "fate"..sheesh. Like as if. Then I joked that it would probably be fate if he took the stairs like all of us, which he didn't. No sign of the fella. Then I said "Well, if he meets us at Starbucks..then that's definitely fate kua"..but we were dawdling along Starbucks while waiting for Suria to get off the phone, where there were no sign of the fella also.
Please bear in mind that I was so totally not thinking that he's gonna show up anyway! Fate..konon..
We decided to pitstop at some mamak stall in ss15. When I got off the MPV, I got an sms from Aaron - "it's fate la"..I was like..what?? Then I was can't be..and suddenly that Altered Frequency guy was sitting there!! In a really long row of people having their makan there! At that very secluded mamak stall where I've never been before myself. OK, that was really bizarre...........don't you think?
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
I've had another bad dream today... I think somewhere inside there I got married to my boss and this gal was irritating me like hell, playing some flirtatious game with this guy. She was shifting her clothes alot sitting beside him... and I won't go into details.
Which brings me to the question, is it the right thing to be obvious if you like someone? Like public display of affection. Somehow I find it really annoying. I mean, it's like as if you're marking your territory with this person don't you think? Like a dog pee-ing all over the place. Hehe, abit bad my metaphor but you get the picture. Yea, but it's quite uncivilised if you ask me. Stone age ah?
Maybe I'm just jealous that I'm not such a take charge person. Lose out to someone who takes the initiative.
I need to kill someone now! Ok, I'm just joking... get out of my way. Who's goin planetshakers tomorrow/Friday night??
Sunday, December 10, 2006
The Priest Who Can't Lie
"Well of course Miss, what can I do for you?" he replies.
"Here's the dilemma, I purchased for myself, a superbly sophisticated electronic hair remover. I paid a lot of money for it. I really went well over the limits set forth by Customs, and I fear they will confiscate it from me. Could you perhaps secret it through Customs for me under your robes?"
"I certainly could my dear, only I must warn you I really am not ever able to lie..."
"You have such an honest face father, surely they will never ask any questions of you," and with that she hands him the hair remover.
After landing they proceed through Customs and it becomes the father's turnin line. "Father, do you have anything to declare?" asks the Custom'sofficer.
"From the top of my head to my waist I have nothing to declare my son,'' said the priest.
Finding this answer a little strange the custom's officer proceeds to ask," And from the waist to the floor, what do you have to declare?"
The father replies, "I have a marvellous little instrument destined to be used on a woman, but which has never yet been used..."
Roaring with laughter the Custom's officer says, "Go right through father. Next!"
~forwarded via e-mail
Monday, December 04, 2006
It's by Al Green...Let's Stay Together.. =) I know, totally self-centred post as usual...hehehe.
I, I'm so in love with you,
whatever you want to do,
is alright with me,
'cause you make me feel
so brand-new,
I want to spend my life with you,
they say it seems, baby,
since we've been together,
loving you forever,
is what I need.
Let me be the one you come runnin' to,
I'll never be untrue,
Ooo baby,
Let's... Let's stay together,
loving you whether, whether,
times are good or bad, happy or sad...
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Bad Dream!!
I dreamt that it was night...and I was held hostage in my room with a murderer in the house..who have allegedly murdered my dad..soon after, I was so relieved to get some visitors. The murderer was in another room when they came. I remember feeding my visitors truckloads of chocolates, and was rather puzzled why on earth I kept pulling all these from the drawer, while remaining somewhat calm. I think it was probably because the visitors had just barged in and just felt so comfortable, chit-chatting away, and I don't know how to break this horrible news to them. Lol.
I think it must be those chocolates I have downstairs in the fridge, which still remained uneaten to this day..brought back by sister. Please don't knock my head bi! haha.
I remembered my visitors were Janice! (from church), her sister, Valarie, her husband and another guy I don't know. Hmm...wonder why them. I remembered about finished telling them about the murderer when I was awokened by my phone. Darn it..would we have fought the murderer or would the visitors run for their life? Beaten him to death by my truckloads of chocolates maybe? Hehe. We'll never know..and I don't want to know either!! Please give me good dreams tonight! Like eating marshmellows or something.
I woke up to the then hot afternoon heat instead of the cool breeze. Lol.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Group of students: We....from Malaysia.
They thought we were all Japanese (I think it must have been the heat that caused us to turn lobsters and look like some foreigners who have never seen the sun). We laughed hard.
Guy #1: I'm ___ (can't remember..). Single and available...but not so free.
hmm...what does that mean..
Guy #2: Are you all still studying?
We laughed even harder. Sure we are...don't we have this stressed out gonna kill ourselves with this ride look? I guess our bosses haven't worked us hard enough yet?!
Gal #1: Panas-lah. Cepat la!!! (calling the ride operators to start the ride)
Guy #1: (after several times of Gal #1 saying panas-lah) Panas, bukak-lah!! (meaning, teasing her to strip)
Man, I screamed so hard, I kinda lost my scream when we were in the air...instead was laughing hard when we were tilted 360 degrees. But it was fun la. Great adrenaline rush. Try it when you have a chance to go there someday...
Work Work Work
I really would like to meet any one of their customers..why would people pay sooo much to accessorize themselves? It's rather bizarre. Some of their individual items are priced as much as a low cost house. Really wanna attach faces (of customers) to the names I have in the file. Faces, not faeces. Lol. Although..that might not be a bad idea-get this right, faeces to the file, not their names!
Fridays are my favourite day of the week. Today has been rather uneventful as always..bored bored leaders were hunting for help on jobs like crazy the whole morning. Even the pregnant lady was not spared. =) The department is seriously in need of manpower. Audit anyone? Everyone is so packed..gonna explode soon. Feeling feverish-ish already. Heart beating fast most of the time..not been going to gym for the entire week..haih. Office is rather empty nowadays, alot of them are out on fieldwork and a big bunch was seconded outstation. And it's a Friday!! Not that I'm complaining, I prefer to work in an empty office anyways..lesser phones ringing; lesser interruptions.
Next week I'll be working somewhere near St. John's can go lepak there if got time..and pay visit to my school..maybe spot a monkey. And I don't mean humans.
=) ahh..yes.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Animal Planet
Sue me. Blek.
Just the other day I saw a cat (there's one in my neighbourhood that I spot occassionally where there's a bell dangling from its cute little neck) running with something bloody in its mouth. Ahh... the adventures it must find here. Wish I was a cat for a day..the things I'd see! That would be so fun. Cats always have this way of walking either so gracefully or rather, proudly down the street which either makes someone a sucker for it or despises it. Heh, how nice if I can be more thick skinned and greet everyone I meet like I greet cats. lol. Some, or most of the time, they don't even respond, and I don't feel embarassed anyways. Is that good/bad? I'm so extremely shy that when I saw someone I used to know from church in gym, the instant I saw that person, I looked away. And I think he saw me! Argh. Haih. Better not see him again!
Funny though, how animals are never ugly. Even turtles. Which we reared long ago. Even remembered how we (and sister) got so exited, we found out their favourite food (fruits and carrots mostly). And we found out how they love to bask! So we put up a rock for it to perch. And they sure loved to bask! =)
Yesterday, I met up with some people from church for dinner. It's good to see a really old friend of mine. Haven't seen her in awhile, and it was good catching up.
Today, I went hiking. Bukit Gasing was pretty muddy. My poor Nikes. I even scratched my leg while crossing the hanging bridge. My friend was afraid I might get Tetanus, but I think I had the vaccination in Form 3? I fever at this moment. lol. This is my second hike after FRIM, where in both occassions I felt nauseated. And then my friend brought up some story about a poor guide who had to carry a dead guy (who apparently died of heart attack while hiking Gunung Tahan) all the way down the mountain. I mean imagine, 5 days carrying a corpse. She went on to describe how fluids start to flow out from the dead guy within a few days of death. I felt like puking even more.
And finally, something for those itching photographers wannabes...
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Then to Windmills for dinner with my family. I heard a sizzling noise behind, a customer's order has arrived. I turned to the back briefly (since I'm so kepo) and noticed an Indian middle-aged guy having dinner alone. I felt sad that he wasn't celebrating Deepavali with his family. Abit presumptious of me, yeah, but I still felt sad. Probably I'm reminded how sad I feel when I'm alone sometimes.
After that we walked across the street to to have a drink and listen to some music at the piano lounge @ Sheraton, only that there wasn't a pianist. I've always loathed going to such places because of the smokers, which not only drives me crazy, it stinks up my clothes too. Also, the performances by ladies which are scantily clad are not really my cup of tea. But lo and behold, the lady performing tonight was not anything I've pictured. She has a nice voice too. Although quite bling bling..but I like their music era, ok ok lah..
During intermission/half-time, lol..she came over to greet the people from the floor, and when she came to our table, she said to me "Woh, this is a young one" like I'm some kind of cub or something, like it's probably not legal for me to be drinking or something..don't lah look so shocked, it's quite worrying ya know..bleh. I promptly asked her whether she could do "Misty" and she said she would. Yay. When she asked what other songs I'd like to request, I can't think of any. Darn it. And I so wanted Jamie Cullum's tracks. Well apart from that, breathing in the polluted air was so torturous it spoiled my mood although she did sing well. Towards the end, I was burning some of the mixed nuts on the tealights. Some were really burnt. And I was smart enough not to touch the fork. Which is made of steel. lol. Well, that's lots of fun. not
And then we went back with clothes all stinked up.
That pretty much summed up my Saturday.
Oh, and i got a souvenir; indigestion, at night...
It's gonna be a long weekend. Gotta find things to do to avoid boring myself to death.....
Monday, October 16, 2006
Not Rant #2
Anyway, I miss Singapore abit. I like how efficient things are there. I like the really fast MRT escalators that whoosh people to whereever they want to go. lol... I like the way things are hardly in bottleneck situations (well, at least while I was there). And for the first time ever, there are actually people who come out of their way to feed those poor forsakened cats in the city.
Sis and I were joking about how people in Singapore either wear earphones, bluetooth or hearing aids. Everyone has places to go and things to do. lol...
Singapore aside, I spotted this sticker at the back of a car; exactly what does "If you don't believe in God, you better be right!" means? At first it was pretty darn hard to tell which direction that person was heading, but I quickly spotted another tiny sticker on its right that says "Jesus loves"... yeah, still...
Yesterday, I had dinner at Yuen's buffet steamboat. And the oddest thing... people are STILL fighting over the chicken wings there! I was like... crazy people!! Those who managed to actually get IN there.. (which was pretty impossible especially if you don't have a fork ready or something) was hording ALL the chicken they can get their hands on! Wow... are those stuff that good? Well anyway, I managed to pick out 4 after the second batch. It was pretty intense.. lol. Just wanted to feel kiasu abit. Haha.
Friday, September 29, 2006
Rant #1
First of all, I'd like to raise my dissatisfaction on how I have gained weight over the past few months, especially when sister was around. Yeah, we ate like mad. No? Well, it's just probably just me then.
Anyway, what is with people who can eat everything and yet, remain stick thin? I mean, just like them, I'd just like to get down all the food on my plate as well... of course, with the rare exceptional occassion that the (my) plate is filled up a second time, which obviously is in no way a fault of mine. Right?? And I don't eat junk food or sweets, etc... with the rare occassions of my favourite bak kut teh.. People don't want to eat, I will help finish. Is this how I'm punished for my nobel attempt?? Why??? Why????
Please ignore fineprint. I meant to scratch that. Or READ, whatever. But don't judge me.
Thank you.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
3-in-1 all started when I had a really, really bad dream of getting lost. I hate getting lost!!! I was on this highway that I've never been before, and there's a series of protruding contraptions from alongside a huge building pushing towards the road; had to steer clear of those stuff when they protrude haphazardly. That was really scary. And I think it's like a highway flyover, so if I steer too far, I could fall off!! Anyway while I was driving on this road which knows no end, I think I barely spotted a sign that said Sg. Petani, and there were no other signboards to exit. Like, huh?!? [when I think about it, I think Sg. Petani is because I recently met up with a cousin of mine who is currently studying in Sintok (both in Kedah)] So, when I finally arrived at this somewhat town area where there's humans, I stopped my car and was somehow running through some thorny bush!! Wahhhhhhh. Painful man. I remembered pulling all those thorns which were caught in my leg. Then my next step, since I was clearly lost, was to flag down a taxi. Asked him to lead me back to SJ, me tailing behind his car. I said I would pay him, which I did. Unfortunately, the trailing cost me RM150.
Oh yeah, I even dreamt there was this procession of the dead, where there were multitudes of coffins on huge lorries. And it was open casket!!!! I told myself not to peek, but I did. I can't help it. So that was quite eerie.
I woke up thinking what was those series of event about????
Part II:
I stumbled on this post on the bluehyppo forum way after the finale was over...and found out that I was actually entitled to free tickets for the event!!!! argh... no wonder someone was trying to contact me on Friday night... why am I so damm blur?!?!
Posted by the moderator:
This is the final list for tickets to the Grand Finale on friday 1 pair each - please come to the orange tm net booth at PWTC on FRIDAY between 7 and 8 pm - doors open at 7.45pm, it's free seating so the earlier you come, the better. Look for me (marina), nim or sharmila.
1. Chriswo
2. samuel02
3. mrJudd
4. Maimum
5. Airan
6. Winleng
7. Leon
8. raptorclans
9. zongie
10. alexQ
11. claxxion
12. casillas
13. joosing
14. miloyalsupporter
15. danieltan0304
16. mikeboyz
17. mier
18. Kenny
19. yuan
20. yeyeantan
21. killer_jaws
22. kevinliew
23. bong bong
24. evonc
25. ms. Outawageous
26. waltzgirl !!!!!!!!!!!!
27. pooh
28. mxv
29. aiskrim
30. bright
31. nmy889
32. remytoo
33. starccs
34. 2old
35. nate
36. robincheah
37. ditdot
38. aryna
39. ongjhao
40. carmern
41. uptowndragon
42. ss arjuna
43. fann
44. morningdew
45. pope
46. allauclm
47. sookru
48. jonchew
49. justice
50. siew
Darn it!!!!!!!!
Faizal put up such a wow performance!!! Technically, I slept halfway through the show (at home).. haha. He sang a medley highlighting all the popular songs he did throughout the season. But it was too late.. Cause when he delivered his last performance (it was the last performance of the night), it was already commercials and then the results... so kinda little room for voting. Plus, there is something wrong with the voting system cause alot of people seem to be complaining about votes not going through. It probably needs some auditing.. lol.
But Suki won, as predicted...
THIS PART IS NOT A DREAM!!! I really missed out on those one in a lifetime tickets... :(
Part III:
Also, I found out that my pants that once used to be soooo loose is like, I could barely fit into it today!! Which means, I've gained weight!!! Darn it!!! Could life get any worse?!? This part isn't a dream either...
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Have I Told You Lately
Have I told you lately that I love you?
Have I told you there's no one above you?
Fill my heart with gladness
Take away my sadness
Ease my troubles, that's what you do
Oh the morning sun in all its glory
Greets the day with hope and comfort too
And you fill my life with laughter
You can make it better
Ease my troubles, that's what you do
There's a love that's divine
And it's yours and it's mine, like the sun
At the end of the day
We should give thanks and pray to the One
Have I told you lately that I love you?
Have I told you there's no one above you?
Fill my heart with gladness
Take away my sadness
Ease my troubles, that's what you do...
~Someone once asked me why I post lyrics. I feel although I did not come up with the words (like, duh), I find it's a perfect expression of what I feel at one time or another. There's a part of me in there, heh. And hence it being posted on this day, 19 September 2006, is an original piece by me :) Man, I'm twisted. This song, I dedicate to all those who reads this. I just love this song. How I wish I can sing it out loud!!! Or just picture how Van Morrison sang it :)
Have a good week people :)
Sunday, September 17, 2006
A Boring Entry...
No, the sad story does not continue with "therefore"....
I'll have you know that I made a decision.. ahem.. to go for a leaders' formation over the weekend. Which is rare for me to make since I despise anything intellectual. har. har..
I shall spare you the boring details of the talk. Oops.. No, it's anything but boring! Wordcount of the word boring: 6. Now you know why I don't blog much on my personal thoughts since I'm so boring...7. Who would thought one can use so many "borings" in 4 measly paragraphs.. 8!
I shall stop.
Anyway, Martin Jalleh is really, really funny!!! Cracked me up.. Do try to catch his workshop when he's in town...which is not often. lol. He reminds me of Walter Matthau (Dennis the Menace). You know..chicklets? Nevermind. I hear he works alot with youths.
What I take with me from this weekend? It's great to see everyone together (leaders of BEC, RCIA, Charismatic.. the many parish groups that we have in our beautiful church...and obviously a noob like me. Not forgetting Lifeteen and Lifeline.. the speaker kept getting it wrong.. Teenlife or is it Lifeteen? Then he said it begins with "Life". haha. Then he messes it up again. Yea.) Unity was never brought to light in such a manner, not that I've experienced, so that was great.
Now, here's a little brain-teaser (hardly, though)... find the odd one out:

Pretty easy yes? :)
No, not funny? Scroll down then... haih.
Well... it's just mildly funny since it's his (Martin Jalleh)'s leaders' formation and his name is on the nametag just like the rest of us...
p.s: I did not steal this, just mistook it deliberately. haha. Who said I did not learn anything over the weekend?
Sunday, September 10, 2006
It's You That Matters
to show me the reason for living
the world and all its splendour
gives me a sense of believing
that our love,
will shine thru,
and will keep us,
keep us forever,
and our love,
will pull us thru,
the bad times and keep us together.
i don't wanna fight this feeling no more
wanna love you and love you, its you i adore
cause its you that matters
just the sight of you throws my heart ashore
and the joy you bring opens up my door
cause its you that matters
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
I'm missing her terribly already
I'm saying goodbye to another you, and me again
Thank you
For being my one and only sister
Your brief time with me has been such a memorable and life-changing one
I feel sorry for all those who don't know you well
I hate goodbyes
Especially saying them to you again
You are wonderful
You are the dearest person to me
Safe journey bi.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
That's probably why I've been sucked into getting my daily dose of drama. Day or night, just flip to the channel and it never lets you down. One good smacking serving of drama coming right up, maybe 2 if you're lucky and I'm always lucky.
It has become a routine and I know what that inevitably says about this routine that I have. I've got a couple of shows which I catch daily and another once every week, just like popping pills except that those last seconds and these last an hour per pop and are intermittently peppered with commercials. Now, two shows back to back on the same channel with the same adverts can just about drive you to do two types of things. ONE is to press the mute button whenever the mind-numbing things come out and be numbed anyways watching to see when the show resumes and actually imagining the lines in the advert. TWO would be to step away from the TV like the cops would say it...and do something else but that would be violation of couch potato rule number one.
They're rivetting most of the time and a good number potray professionals. Professionals do seem to have interesting lives but I say it's pretty boring in real life so is where the word drama comes in. Perhaps it's a show about real life with all the interesting bits squeezed and meticulously woven into a fabric of extraordinary coincidence into a season or two. That sums up real people's lives quite neatly.
I am a contributor : )
Sunday, August 27, 2006

Kau penuhi semua impian hidupku
Sungguh Tuhan ku bersyukur padaMu
Kau izinkan aku untuk mencintainya
Kau terbaik yg pernah ku miliki
Jangan kau pergi dariku
Namun bila harus berpisah
Ku ingin kau tahu
Kau lah yg terbaik
Namun bila harus berpisah
Ku ingin kau tahu
Ku ingin kau tahu
Ku ingin kau tahu
Kau lah yg terbaik
Back from Singapore to find out that Lokman has been eliminated from OIAM.. sigh :(
Sunday, August 20, 2006
This song especially for you (excerpt from Stardust)
And now the purple dusk of twilight time
steals across the meadows of my heart
High up in the sky the little stars climb,
always reminding me that we're apart
You wandered down the lane and far away
leaving me a song that will not die
Love is now the stardust of yesterday,
the music of the years gone by
--love you loads!!! =)
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Yet I Will Praise
written by Andy Park
I will praise You, Lord my God
Even in my brokenness
I will praise You Lord
I will praise You, Lord my God
Even in my desperation
I will praise You Lord
And I can't understand
All that You allow
I just can't see the reason
But my life is in Your hands
And though I cannot see
I choose to trust You
Even when my heart is torn
I will praise (trust) You Lord
Even when I feel deserted
I will praise (trust) You Lord
Even in the darkest valley
I will praise (trust) You Lord
When my world is shattered
And it seems all hope is gone
Yet I will praise You Lord
I will trust You, Lord my God
Even in my loneliness
I will trust You Lord
I will trust You, Lord my God
Even when I cannot hear You
I will trust You Lord
And I will not forget
That You hung on a cross
Lord You bled and died for me
And if I have to suffer
I know that You've been there
And I know that You're here now
I want to take this opportunity to thank dear Evelyn and Wei Fen for forwarding this song to me. I've been really away from God of late, and they were two really kind souls. And God sent. My sis too. Not till today I've realised how much God has spoken to me through all these people. Stupid me. I pledge to spend some time, no matter how little with God or at least, to think of God everyday. God has not forgotten me. Praise God. I want to remember this post as one of my most inspired one, I pray it will lift me up when I'm down.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Thoughts on OIAM

I hope his bad song choice last week won't cost him his exit from OIAM. Why do all these good singers don't know how to pick songs? They should probably hire me to be their song-picker consultant..sheesh..
Quite a good line-up of singers vying for the 1 million..better and more consistent than Malaysian Idol.. on top of which, I can't believe Farah was from MI2-and Malaysia picked Daniel over her?!? What was the deal with that? Well, on the upside, maybe she's meant to win this..silver lining perhaps? I think Farah would have a good fan base already from MI2.. and she'll go far. Was just listening to some of her songs and performances. They are really good and her.
Not too sure whether Lokman would go far tho.. but I really like his light, pop voice! His voice is very current and fresh.. =) be honest, I think Suki's gonna win due to the voting element. I'm just making very accurately calculated thoughts...and also from the trend where MI2 is heading...if you know what I mean. But I do like her much, much more than Daniel! She just need to step it up a little to get me falling for her as a fan..hahaha.
Will be trying to get some tickets to watch the live show =) Can't wait to know who's the deserving (I hope) champ!
Watch the knockout episode here:
Saturday, July 15, 2006
[1] lydia
[2] ivy
[3] shin yi
[4] xan
[5] lina
[6] aaron
[7] anne
[8] melanie
[9] nuras
[10] chee yin
[11] val
[12] adrian
[13] daniel
[14] wen
[15] benjamin
[16] kat
[17] richard
[18] lizzy
[19] elaine
[20] sook ching
A.Who is #8 going out with? someone in jb.. i tink! =P
B.Is #9 a boy or a girl? i believe it's a gal..
C.Would #11 and #2 will make a cute couple? no way.. but both are cute leh.. lol.
D.How about #18 and #4? haha.. same answer..
E.What grade is #7 in? she's working leh..
F.When was the last time you talked to #12? xandra's birthday.. petrol station. don't ask y.
G.What is #6's favorite band? *scratches head* he likes all sorts of christian "rock" band i tink..
H.Does #1 have any siblings? yup.. 2 other younger sisters.. all of them killer tall..
I.Would you ever date #3? shopping date can la..
J.Would you ever date #17? ever? dunno leh.. dunno him that well..
K.Is #16 single? dunno leh.. lol. man, i'm good at this.
L.What's #15's last name? SIM =)
M.What's #5's middle name? hmm... binti? hahaha.
N.What's #10's fantasy? i believe is to be the first ever malaysian grandmaster.. kidding.. dunno him well also.
O.Would #14 and #19 make a good couple? same answer as C..
P.What school does #20 go to? shites.. somewhere in adelaide..
Q.Tell me a random fact about #11? talks elegantly..
R.And #1? my dear cousin.. and that's a fact, gal!
S.And #3? damm smart..
T.And #2? very patient..
U. Have you ever had a crush on #16? no..
V. Where does #9 live? somewhere in brisbane..i tink..
W. What's #4's favorite color? eh..dis is
X. Would you makeout with #3? no thanks..
Y. Are no.#5 and #6 best friends? no.. dunno each other..
Z. Does #8 like #19? dunno about that.. i haven't seen them talk alot..
a. Does #10 have any pets? dunno..
b. Is #12 older than you? yeah..
c. Give #13 a hug? for what? haha.
d. Is #15 the sexiest person alive? haha.. not to me la.
e. Is #14 weird? of coz not.
f. Have you seen #7 naked? no!!!
g. What's #3's favorite food? her own cooking.. she's not much of an eater..
h. Would #9 kiss #17? don tink that will ever happen..
i. Who would u choose, #11 or #13? at the moment #13 coz he cooks good!!
j. What car is #18 driving? she no driving leh..
k. Does #10 have a bf/gf? not sure..
l. Will u ever fight with #5? fought before in the past.. but don tink will ever since strangers nowadays..
m. Would u go for a vacation with #16? of coz if she's ok.
n. Who would u like to be sleeping naked with the next day u wake up hungover, #8 or #12? further comments.
o. Have u seen #2 drunk b4? nope.
p. What brand of cellphone is #14 using? motorola, i believe..
q. If #4 and #17 fell into the water, who would u rescue 1st? #4!! of course the damzelle.. #17 can swim kua? haha..
r. If u are to choose someone that u can dump into the sea.. who would u choose? #20.. probably can see dolphins saving her!! lol.. kidding la..
s. When will #5 get married? no idea..
t. Who will win the fight, between #11 and #19? talking-#11, physical fighting-#19
sorry if anyone got insulted.. =)
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Friday, June 30, 2006
More Picture Blogging
Tickets to Mysteria-Believe the Impossible..muahhaah...this is a musical (dance mainly) + acrobatics + magic show. Very good show...however, considering they were here since beginning of this year. Must be kinda boring performing the same show every night tho..but well done!
We went on the Flying Coaster...muahahah. New ride..replica of Corkscrew but the flying version (horizontally flying).. Shocked till no sound come out..hahaha. Quite scary leh..beginners better go practice more Corkscrew before going on this
Some pictures of the food we had..this is sauteed (what the?) chicken with ginger in jar rice. We got this from a chinese restaurant opposite the Caroussel. Good food and quite affordable considering the expensiveness of food in Genting.
Good ole Kenny Rogers and my favourite macaroni and cheese..
Cereal from First World Cafe.. hehe.
Some reknown storyteller in First World Plaza. Judging by the looks of his patrons, they seemed pretty satisfied.. unfortunately we won't know what would have been told by the storyteller had we gone for it..being card-carrying bananas.. So we went for some rip-off attractions to entertain ourselves like Haunted Adventure. Blunderous move.. lol.
On the cable car on our ride down. Only to know a couple hours later that there was some rumour that there once happened when a cable car fell and (obviously) killed some family. And...apparently Genting paid millions of ringgit for damages to the family (the living one) and in order not to publisize the matter. However, this is just a rumour. You know what they say, if your time is now, nothing can stop that right?
Monday, June 19, 2006
Lifeline Camp 2006

Looks familiar? It's the cast from friends! Only that this is an all-gals cast. hehe.
Can you feel the exitement? It's overwhelming.. hehe.
pics courtesy of Xan.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Monday, May 01, 2006
Yea, so my theory is people perform better NOT knowing they're watched i.e when the situation is.. minus the tension. Well, evidently, since Andrea Bocelli was visionally challenged, his performance was nearly flawless. And I notice that singers who are blind do perform more consistently throughout, well, my observation of them.
Hence, not knowing is better than knowing... ignorance is bliss eh?
Not entirely.
One can't plead ignorance when it comes to the law. That day I got a ticket for parking in a place that was allegedly for MPPJ staff only. And I specifically asked an MPPJ staff whether I'm allowed to park there since I didn't see a sign as I enter. And he nicely told me (in a smart alec kinda manner) that I should park there since the lower levelled parking was full. Yeah right.
Later when I went to collect my car I received a nice present slid between my windshield wiper noting that I was an offender for parking in a staff ONLY site. Was there a sign? Yes. But it was tucked inside where I only noticed AFTER searching for it AFTER getting the summon. Why can't they place one right before the entrance? I wouldn't have relied on that dumm fela's representation. Now I'll have to pay for something I didn't know I've committed.
I know that my chances are slim. I remember getting a ticket in Damansara Uptown for parking in a red zone (i.e only for seasonal parkers). I mean, come on.. why would I want to park there at 7am in the morning (as my ticket says so) where there were noone parked there and pay a whole day's fee? And the parking lot where they claimed to be a red zone was poorly marked in red.
I've also thought how dumm of me that I JUST have to go into a red marked spot where there is so many other unvacated spaces. Crap indeed.
I submitted a letter and my dad said they only gave me a normal reduction. Like everyone would get when they appeal, whether you're in the wrong or not. Come on, isn't the law supposed to be JUST and NOT a business income? People can sink so low.
I want a waiver!! I even envisioned myself tearing up the summon and throwing it in their face if they gave me that crap about "we can only give you a reduction".... I mean, ANYONE can get that! Yeah, only if I'm that brave.. soon after my vision became me being taken away (kicking and screaming.. haha) and thrown in the brig for contempt of authority. Whatever..
We'll see how it goes..
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Saturday, April 22, 2006
From a Walk to Remember
Love is never boastful or conceited
It is never rude nor selfish
It does not take offense, it is not resentful
Love takes no pleasure in other peoples sins but delights in the truth
It is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope and to endure whatever comes..
~1 Corinthians 13:4-7
What a refreshing take on life... and movie.
Monday, April 17, 2006
It's Impossible (Somos Novios)
Pues los dos sentimos mutuo amor profundo
Y con eso ya ganamos lo mas grande de este mundo
Nos amamos, Nos Besamos, Como novios, Nos deseamos
Y hasta aveces, sin motivo, sin razon, nos enojamos
Somos novios
Mantenemos un cariño limpio y puro
Como todos, preocuramos el momento mas obscuro
Para hablarnos, Para Darnos el mas dulce de los besos
Recordarte que color son los cerezos
Sin hacer mas comentarios
Somos novios
Friday, April 14, 2006
Peer into my pensieve for the day...
-Wonder what goes through another baby's mind when it sees another baby crying its lungs out. I mean..they just stare and think of what actually? Probably observing whether the parents give it the attention as anticipated by the baby race? If not, have to try another tactic? hehe.
-Wonder how is it like to be just the next car where a poor animal was just rolled over by the car just in front of you. And you will be the one to finish the poor thing off. haih..i wish i NEVER have to experience that..
-If you see a puddle of water and some helpless pedestrian was walking really fast to avoid a you-know-what consequence of some oblivious/purely idiotic drivers, what would you do? drive through that puddle and drench the poor thing? WRONG! &@*#! you see, I was that poor pedestrian. And ok, i wasn't drench...BUT that's besides the point.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
God Exalted Him--based on Philippians 2:5-11
Christ became a man
And laid aside the glory He had known
To be a carpenter, a simple carpenter
A lowly servant, rejected by His own
But God exalted Him
God has uplifted Him
And has given Him a name above all names
That every knee should bow
In earth and in heav'n above
And every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord
He became a man
Christ became a man
Whose destiny was death upon a tree
Still He became a man
A gentle, loving man
A man of sorrow, acquainted with grief
But God exalted Him
God has uplifted Him
And has given Him a name above all names
That every knee should bow
In earth and heav'n above
And every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord
Loved this song!
Sunday, April 02, 2006
You're Still You
I can see your light
And you will always shine
And I can feel you’re heart in mine
Your face I've memorized
I idolize just you
I look up to
Everything you are
In my eyes you do no wrong
I’ve loved you for so long
And after all is said and done
You’re still you
After all
You’re still you
You walked past me
I can feel your pain
Time changes everything
One truth always stays the same
You’re still you
After all
You’re still you
I look up to
Everything you are
In my eyes you do no wrong
And I believe in you
Although you never asked me to
I will remember you
And what life put you through
And in this cruel and lonely world
I’ve found one love
You’re still you
After all
You’re still you
In memory of mum.
Thursday, March 30, 2006
What Your Birth Month Means
* Stubborn and hard-hearted (definitely)
* Strong-willed and highly motivated (sometimes only)
* Sharp thoughts (not really)
* Easily angered (yes, can definitely lose it)
* Attracts others and loves attention (hell yeah!)
* Deep feelings (ugh...)
* Beautiful physically and mentally (hell yeah!)
* Firm standpoint (dunno about that... hey, I've actually answered that..)
* Easily influenced (kinda..)
* Needs no motivation (well, I do need alot of motivation to get out of bed)
* Easily consoled (sometimes only)
* Systematic (left brain) (at times..does arranging my desktop counts?)
* Loves to dream (well, my dream-tv is currently not transmitting anything..)
* Strong clairvoyance (what? think i'll go with hell yeah!)
* Understanding (depend on mood)
* Sickness usually in the ear and neck (huh..)
* Good imagination (don't think so..)
* Good debating skills (no!)
* Good physical (hell yeah!)
* Weak breathing (well, yeah, last time)
* Loves literature and the arts (lit? no. arts... no also.. haha)
* Loves traveling (yeah)
* Dislike being at home (50% accurate)
* Restless (yes!!)
* Hardworking (ugh.. if forced)
* High spirited (hey, this is a repeat, tak aci)
* Spendthrift (hell no..)
if all else fails, this post is meant to *strongly* hint that my birthday is coming up... haha
Monday, March 27, 2006
WW3--Wonderful World, the 3rd Realm. lol.
It's actually pretty amusing when I think about it as I was relating it to a friend the other day. Years then, heh.. think was about form 3? Notti notti.... pmr year and it just had to be the year I found this new realm of reality--well anyway.. me and my friends--we were so "into" this new realm of reality as it were where it terbawak-bawak till in classroom. Chatting using papers and putting up nice chatrooms and inviting others to come and yak.. passing the papers around while the teacher is well.. ya know, teaching.
Well that aside, I even remember terikut-ikut my friends to do the YMCA anyway.. like stand up while the teacher was scribbling on the whiteboard (well, obviously with her back before us) and going on about some calculus thing or issit some e=mc2 thingy. Oopss.... wrong class. lol. Well we just stood up and just flung our hands in the air in the form of the acronym.. while the others were sniggering.. never thought I was so notti ya?
Yeah well.. back to IRC..
I met this guy in some pj school chatroom #samad. Or issit #smsj? Dunno lar... too many.. That time, I was hunting for some cute chessplayer--preferably in the national team (I know, I'm abit sad and lame).. think still am. Which explains why ppl kept coming to me sayin, you are those ppl who look really young but is actually oldddd rite.... haha. I need to grow up more. Oh, did I forget to mention? I'm abit of a chessnut back then... and I was quite coined with that nickname in highschool.... which is totally uncool when I think about it now. Blek..
Well, as I was busy scouting, I did happen to find that cute chessplayer on #samad. He's damm cute man. I can still remember when I was in this tourney. He didn't know me, then I happened to pass by--on my way back to the tourney room. Then I saw him. And he smiled. Aww... cute la that guy. Like Nick Carter look-alike (way, way, back then)...
Funnily there was this other guy who happened to message me at about the same time when I stumbled on that cute national chessplayer. And I think the only reason why he msg-ed me is becoz I was using some chessplayer nickname like kasprv or something.. guess he also looking for cute chessplayer yeah.
Anyway, from then on, he kept msg-ing me on IRC.. and I was just--oklor, layan him. At that time, he didn't interest me that much, since he doesn't play chess. So I will be waiting for the cute national chessplayer and while waiting, will chat with this guy. Funnily, he was always online. hah.. then when I always see him online and we yak-ed, I kinda.. well.. like to talk to him. He's pretty interesting and we are about the same frequency, lol. I even yak-ed more with him than the cute national chessplayer. harhar...
Then he wanted to meet me and he somehow went into #cbn and talked to a whole bunch of my friends to check me out. Well, he wanted to have breakfast. But I was on strict policy not to meet ppl whom I've met online. Plus, ya know what he told me? He told me he is very, very ugly. And his grades were pretty bad.. and that scared me a little.. hmm.. must remember.. that time my mind was 15 years old. lol. Anyway, it was also partly becoz my parents would sooo kill me.
Then one day, I got cheated, by my friends... we met up to skate, kononnye... set me up. Suddenly, he was there. Wah.... my friend told me. And I was like.. stumped. I was so stumped and embarassed of course.. that I pretend I didn't know he was there. At that time, he was ugly to me. It kinda grew into me when he represented himself as one and it kind of met the reality although that was not true of course.
He's actually really good-looking. To me, that is.. Well the best part is yet to come.
After a few months I think, I went for a chess tournament, in Sunway College. And do you know who was there? That guy. And you know what else? His name was listed as one of the top chessplayers in the country. He's a damm good national chessplayer. Which, sadly, I never noticed before. And I was like..... what?!? And all this while, I treated him like a normal person.. I even remember explaining to him something about chess. Feel damm stupid man.... And I was like... super super pissed. He totally misrepresented himself online. Never in a million years... he's in the nationals? haih....
Till today, I'm still wondering whether he was trying to be modest i.e to get me to like him for who he is or just being a plain con-artist.
Then, I can't remember what happened after that.. it kinda desolved. Together with my IRC days. But I did see him around in tournaments but I don't think he recognises me or probably he doesn't want anything to do with me. Yea well. I don't blame him.
What a ride. An ironic one
Funny how I can yak soo much online but when you meet me in person I'm a person of little words... and I just remembered... have to do up all those darn audit programs!!! argh....
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Till There Was You

But I never heard them ringing
No, I never heard them at all
Till there was you
There were birds in the sky
But I never saw them winging
No, I never saw them at all
Till there was you
Then there was music and wonderful roses
they tell me in in sweet fragrant meadows
of dawn and dew
There was love all around
But I never heard it singing
No I never heard it at all
Till there was you
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Stop and Look, The Sky is Still Blue
Reasons? Debt, love, school/work pressure and grades, even.
Often, I hear people saying that those who commit suicide are cowards. I don't reckon. It takes incredible amount of courage. But I do feel awfully sad for them to have been bold enough to see it through. It must have been excruciatingly painful to continue living than the pains of killing oneself.
Would anyone in the sanest mind frame commit such an act? Do they truly know what they're about to do?
Maybe, just maybe, they've beg God to forgive them in that very moment they realize that they were going to die and it was a mistake.
Please Lord, would you have mercy on them?
This post is in memory of a friend I've lost and to all those who have taken that road less traveled.
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Some Rantings
So i finally went out today... out of sheer desperation. Items bought: toiletries [i'm literally out of toothpaste], a book! [gosh, that always gives me a shock since i got so many books which i've started and not finished, piled up in a box-with a lid, no doubt to make it more accessible], birthday cards, baju's, a dunkin donut [yeah, one, and it's still sitting next to me], drank a wong lou kat, had teppanyaki and burger king, all in one day.
Oh, and I even learnt how to make tong yuen's from Evelyn.
Man, I'm so efficient.
By the way, the book i bought is titled The Little Prince. I've been hearing about it recently.. think it's just calling me to buy... finally gave in today. Think it should be easy to read.. since got alot of pictures.. and nice quality paper.. hehehe.
I'm so pathetic..
Wish I have more money... to buy some clothes which are slightly over my budget.. okay, maybe not just slightly.. but twice as slightly? a half cardigan for 80 bucks and a full cardigan for 140 bucks.
I'm so pathetic...
Fashion woes as always..
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Moon River
I'm crossin' you in style some day
Old dream maker, you heartbreaker
Wherever you're goin', I'm goin' your way
Two drifters, off to see the world
There's such a lot of world to see
We're after the same rainbow's end, waitin' 'round the bend
My huckleberry friend, Moon River, and me
Old dream maker, you heartbreaker
Wherever you're goin', I'm goin' your way
Two drifters, off to see the world
There's such a lot of world to see
We're after that same rainbow's end, waitin' 'round the bend
My huckleberry friend, Moon River, and me
Saturday, March 04, 2006
You and Me
And in what month
This clock never seemed so alive
I can't keep up and I can't back down
I've been losing so much time
Cause it's you and me and all of the people
With nothing to do, nothing to lose
And it's you and me and all of the people and
I don't know why I can't keep my eyes off of you
All of the things that I want to say
Just aren't coming out right
I'm tripping on words, you got my head spinning
I don't know where to go from here
Cause it's you and me and all of the people
With nothing to do, nothing to prove
And it's you and me and all of the people and
I don't know why I can't keep my eyes off you
Something about you now
I can't quite figure out
Everything she does is beautiful
Everything she does is right
What day is it
And in what month
This clock never seemed so alive
I'm allergic to alcohol! I can't believe it! arghhh....